Thursday, May 31, 2012

Chicken & Artichokes Linguine باستا لينجويني الدجاج والخرشوف (الأرضي شوكي)

Chicken & Artichokes Linguine باستا لينجويني الدجاج والخرشوف (الأرضي شوكي)

Scroll down for English post
مرحباً بكم! أعذروني على فترة غيابي الطويل فرعاية طفل لأول مرة ليست سهلة :). وصفة اليوم هي إحدى الوصفات البسيطة، سريعة التحضير وفي نفس الوقت هي وصفة صحية لما تحتويه من فيتامينات مفيدة موجودة بالدجاج والخرشوف أو الأرضي شوكي أو القوق أياً كان ما تسمونه والذي يعتبر مفيد للجسم من عدة نواحي سواء للقلب أو للكبد ويخفض نسبة الكولسترول في الدم ...إلخ. الطبق مكوناته بسيطة وهي مكرونة اللينجويني مع الدجاج والأرضي شوكي ويمكنكم استخدام المكرونة المصنوعة بالدقيق كامل الحبة حتى تصبح أكثر إفادة خاصة للأطفال، هيا بنا لنعرف المزيد عن الوصفة.

نصيحة الوصفة:
1- ينقع الخرشوف بالماء المضاف له عصير ليمونة حتى لا يتغير لونه لحين استخدامه في الوصفة.
2- استخدمت خليط معين من التوابل وهو عبارة عن ربع ملعقة شاي من كل من (كمون - كزبرة - زنجبيل - كركم - كاري - حبهان مطحون)، ملعقة شاي فلفل أسود، رشة من كل من (خولنجان (عود اللحم)، قرفة، شطة).

الكمية تكفــــي: شخصين
وقت التحضير: 5 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: 15 دقيقة
Hello everyone! sorry for being that late {taking care of a little baby for the first time is not easy :) }. Today's recipe is simple, quick, and healthy as it has many vitamins from chicken and Artichokes which is very useful for our body in many ways like the heart, liver, reducing bad cholesterol ...etc. The dish ingredients are very simple (linguini pasta, chicken, artichokes) you can use whole wheat pasta for more healthy dish specially for kids, let's see how to make it.

Recipe Tips:
1- Rinse the artichokes in water with lemon till you use them to not change color.
2- I used a spice mix in this dish which is 1/4 tsp of each (cumin - coriander - turmeric - curry - ground cardamom), 1 tsp ground black pepper, 1 pinch of each (ground galangal "optional", cinnamon, chilli pepper).

Serves: 2 people
Prep. Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Watch Speed 1994 Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys One of The Greatest Action Film of All Time

Speed is one of the greatest action movie in the history. This movies was from 1994 but still you will be impressed from the quality and action scenes. Sandra Bullock is so Beautiful in this movie!. Starting Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Sandra Bullock and Jeff Daniels..

How to watch Speed For Free - click on the play button then wait for around 5-15 minutes for video to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Speed movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on the play button. Watch Speed Online Free Here No Downloading Required. Please don't forget to comment to let us know if it is working or not.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Beginner's Guide to Custom Colors in SFxT

Update: The steps from this tutorial have been automated. You can now do all of it easily from sloth86's EMMEdit tool.

Street Fighter x Tekken handles colors in a completely different way from Street Fighter 4 and its derivatives as a result of the color customization feature. Instead of just pulling colors and textures directly from the texture image, the textures look like this:
and the game calculates the appropriate color based on a series of numbers, which represent a color mix from the texture image's color channels. These numbers are stored in the *.obj.emm files--specifically the 'MatCol' attributes--alongside the various other object materials and material attributes.

There are two main ways to edit *.obj.emm files, manually via hex or using NanjouJ's MatEdit tool, which is a little more user-friendly than fiddling with hex codes. In this tutorial, we'll be using MatEdit to copy colors from another color file, rather than calculating the color from scratch. If you would like to calculate an entirely new color from scratch, this post from yajirobe does a good job of explaining it.

So, first thing, we need to make backups of any of the files we plan to mess with. Once you've done that, go download MatEdit from the AE wiki's 'tools' page and identify which files you want to work with. I'm going to be copying a color from one of Ryu's *.obj.emm files into one of Poison's.

Now, create a new folder (on your desktop or wherever) and copy matedit.exe and both Ryu and Poison's *.obj.emm files into it. Then, hold ctrl+shift on your keyboard and right-click somewhere inside that folder, and choose 'Open command window here':

 This will open a command line window, but don't freak out. I'm going to tell you exactly what to type in.

First thing, we want to export the materials from both of our files, using the syntax "matedit.exe export [target obj.emm file] [newfile.txt]." So, in my case, I'm going to type (replace PSN/RYU and poison/ryu as appropriate for your files):
matedit.exe export PSN_01_01.obj.emm poison.txt
matedit.exe export RYU_01_01.obj.emm ryu.txt
If done correctly, you should have two new files in your directory, in my case, poison.txt and ryu.txt. At this point, we're done with the command line for now, but don't close it yet because we're going to need it again later.

For now, open both files in the text editor of your choice. Notepad works, but I prefer Notepad++ (it's free and awesome; go get it).

Open both of the txt files in your text editor. You'll see a series of sections which correspond to the various objects that make up the character's model. In each section, there are a bunch of variables and values that tell the game how to render each object. The ones we're worried about today are the MatCol variables:
 You'll notice that I highlighted just the *R, *G and *B MatCols, which correspond to the red, green and blue color channels, respectively, and not the *A MatCol, which corresponds to the Alpha channel. You shouldn't mess with the alpha value if you're just trying to change colors. ;)

So, lets say we want to take the color of Ryu's pants--i.e., white--and copy it over to Poison's hair. To do this, we would hop over to our ryu.txt file and search for 'pants.' Then, scroll down through his 'pants' section until we find the MatCol subsection.
 In this case, I only have a single color, MatCol0 to choose from, but some models will have multiple color groups, such as MatCol1 and MatCol2. These MatCols represent the color groups that can be customized in-game, so make sure you're choosing the correct one.

Copy those values and then switch over the poison.txt file and search for 'hair.' Scroll down to the MatCol section and replace the values there with your new, copied values:
 Great, we're almost done.

The last step is to import the modified text files back into the target *.obj.emm file. So, back to your command line window (if you didn't listen earlier and closed it, just open a new one) and type:
matedit.exe import poison.txt PSN_01_01.obj.emm
Now you're ready to test it out. Copy the PSN_01_01.obj.emm file into your [install directory]\resource\CMN\battle\chara\PSN folder, overwriting the one that was there (you made a backup, right??) and go check it out.

If you had calculated a new color from scratch using yajirobe's instructions instead of copying the color from some other costume, you would go through the exact same steps, only using your calculated color numbers instead of the ones from Ryu's pants.

That's it. Have fun, share your work and always make backups.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Watch Honey 2003 Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys

I am a big Fan of this movie such a great film and everyone jessica and the others were great dancers. It's one of those movies that never get old. You can watch it over and over. I haven't seen Honey 2 yet but it was requested by someone here and I added it. is honey 1 better than honey 2? I think so but feel to comment and let us know what do you think about both movies. Starting Jessica Alba.

After watching you really need to believe in yourself, believe that you gonna get a chance and shine one day. Just keep working hard and one day your dream will come true. Don't forget to leave a comment just a thank you comment will be much appreciated. Thanks and enjoy the movie.

How to watch Honey For Free - click on the play button and wait 5-10 minutes for stream to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Honey movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on the play button. Watch Honey Online Free Here No Downloading Required. Please don't forget to comment to let us know if it is working or not.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Terengganu FM

Tawau FM

Selangor FM

Sarawak FM

Sabah FM

Perlis FM

Perak FM

Pahang FM

Mutiara FM

Miri FM

Melaka FM

Langkawi FM

Labuan FM


Kelantan FM

Kedah FM

Johor FM

Cari Farmasi

Farmasi Di Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor Selangor / KL Area NO SHOPS NAMES ...