Monday, December 31, 2012

Fix for TV Overscan in Ubuntu with Nvidia Drivers

Ok, this problem has been a consistent thorn in my side for as long as I've been running Ubuntu on my TV (a number of years). On a lot of HDTVs, setting your computer to display 1080p or 720p or whatever will often cut off the edges of the screen. This cutoff is known as overscan and it used to be necessary because all sorts of garbage data would be displayed in the edges of broadcast signals and video games. Nowadays, that doesn't happen and we want to see every bit of the picture but many TVs still do it.

The easiest fix on TVs of any reasonable quality is to set the TV to "just scan" or "pixel perfect" mode (it goes by many different names depending on manufacturer). However, if your TV is cheap/crappy, you won't have such an option and the only way to deal with it is via software. This works just dandy in Windows, where the Nvidia driver has a handy little "overscan compensation" option where you can adjust a slider until your entire desktop is visible.

Sometimes, depending on driver revision and apparently some other unknown (to me) factors, a similar slider is available in the nvidia-settings applications in Ubuntu. This is undependable, though, and it will sometimes be grayed out or even disappear after you've used it in the past! :O

If you run into any of this, the way to fix it is to add a line to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf files that invokes the ViewPortIn/ViewPortOut options in the driver. So, open a terminal and type:
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
You should see:
Section "Device"        Identifier    "Default Device"        Option        "NoLogo"       "True"EndSection
Or something similar. If you don't see any of that (e.g., if your file is totally empty), then just add it in manually.

Next, add a new line under the "NoLogo" line that looks like this (all one line, btw):
Option    "metamodes" "DFP-0: idealxresolution { ViewPortIn=idealxresolution,ViewPortOut=desiredxresolution+excessX+excessY }"
So, if, like me, you want it to run in 720p with 24 pixels of horizontal overscan compensation added to left/right sides and 14 pixels of vertical overscan compensation added to top/bottom, your line will look like this:
Option "metamodes" "DFP-1: 1280x720 { ViewPortIn=1280x720,ViewPortOut=1232x692+24+14 }"
Now, you'll notice that the buffers I've added to the end are exactly half of the total amount of resolution I'm chopping off. That's because the specified amount is added to both sides.

You'll also notice that my line uses DFP-1 instead of DFP-0. I'm not sure why that is, but that's what it identifies as in my nvidia-settings application, so be sure to check there first to find out what yours should be labeled as.

Log out and back in and it should use the new resolution. If not, try rebooting.

Happy New Year!

2012 has passed so quickly for me! It was full of events though, Happy New Year everyone! :)
All my 2012 recipes could be found >> here

For contacting me on:
Twitter > Food_Lover_Blog
Instagram > f0o0dl0ver
Pinterest >  f00dl0ver
StumbleUpon > foodl0ver

Quick 3 Minutes Puff Pastry Pizza بيتزا البف بيستري السريعة

Quick 3 Minutes Puff Pastry Pizza بيتزا البف بيستري السريعة

Scroll down for English post
اليوم هو آخر يوم، لا ليست نهاية العالم، نهاية 2012، هذه آخر وصفاتي لهذا العام. استيقظت في أحد الأيام أشعر بالنشاط وأريد أن أخبز شيء جديد للإفطار فقررت استخدام ما لدي في المنزل وخرجت بهذه الوصفة السريعة اللذيذة :) بيتزا البف باستري هي من أسهل الوصفات للإفطار أو العشاء كوجبة خفيفة ولا يأخذ تحضيرها أكثر من 5 دقائق أتمنى أن تعجبك :)

نصيحة الوصفة:
1- لا ترققوا العجينة بشكل زائد حتى تبقى طبقات كما هي.
2- لا تضعوا الكثير من المكونات لكي لا تجعل العجينة مبللة وغير جيدة النضج.

الوصفة تكفــي: فردين
وقت التحضير: 3 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: 10 إلى 15 دقيقة
Today is the last day, NO not the end of the world, I mean 2012 ;) Last recipe in the year 2012, I woke up one day feeling active and wanted to bake something new for breakfast and used what I had in the fridge and came up with this quick yummy recipe :), puff pastry pizza is one of the easiest fastest recipes for breakfast, dinner, brunch or even snack, doesn't take more than 5 minutes to prepare it, hope you like it.
Recipe tips:
1- Don't roll the dough too thin so it still be puffy.
2- Don't add too much topping or the dough would be wet and not well baked.

Serves: 2 people
Prep. Time: 3 min.
Baking Time: 10 to 15 min.
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Cauliflower and Beef Maqluba مقلوبة الزهرة أو القرنبيط مع اللحم

Cauliflower and Beef Maqluba مقلوبة الزهرة أو القرنبيط مع اللحم

Scroll down for English post
وصفة اليوم من ألذ الأطباق الرئيسية، مقلوبة القرنبيط أو الزهرة واللحم يجب أن تجربونها فهي وصفة صحية وطيبة، قمت بتحضير مقلوبة الباذنجان من قبل وتكلمت عن المقلوبة وكيف يتم تحضيرها، هذا الطبق يمكن أن يتم طهيه باستخدام أي نوع مفضل من الخضروات كما يمكن استبدال اللحم بالدجاج أو أي نوع مرغوب من اللحوم كما يمكن عمله طبق نباتي بدون لحوم، أتمنى أن تعجبكم الوصفة.

نصيحة الوصفة:
فقط لا تنسوا إضافة التوابل والملح للماء أو المرق المضاف بالنهاية للطهي.

الوصفة تكفــي: 3 إلى 4 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: 10 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: ساعة أو أكثر حسب وقت طهي اللحم
Today's recipe is one of the most delicious main dishes in the middle east, cauliflower Maqluba with meat is a must try dish it's healthy and yummy, I made aubergine Maqlubeh before, and wrote everything you need to know about "Maqluba" and how it's made, this dish can be cooked using any kind of vegetables you like and any kind of meat you prefer, you can make it vegan dish too :) . Hope you like it.

Recipe Tips:
Just don't forget to add spice and salt to the water or broth you add at the end to cook.

Serves: 3 to 4 people
Prep. Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 1 hour or more depending on the time for meat to be cooked
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Monday, December 24, 2012

Tahini Salad "Dip" سلطة الطحينة "غموس"

Tahini Salad "Dip" سلطة الطحينة "غموس"

Scroll down for English post
إحدى الوصفات اللذيذة والبسيطة لمن لا يعرف طريقة عمل سلطة الطحينة على أصولها، هذه السلطة أو الغموس من ألذ الصلصات التي تقدم مع المشويات خاصة اللحوم المشوية على الفحم، كما يتم إضافتها إلى بعض السندويتشات حسب الرغبة والذوق، أتمنى أن تعجبكم.

نصيحة الوصفة:
1- لا تقوموا بتحضير سلطة الطحينة في الخلاط الكهربائي فهذا لا يعطيها القوام والطعم المطلوبين.
2- يمكن إضافة بعض البقدونس المفروم إلى السلطة بعد تحضيرها.
3-عند تقليب الطحينة مع الماء سوف تتكون تكتلات وقد يكون القوام خفيف ولكن مع التقليب المستمر إلى أن يختلطوا جيداً سوف يثقل القوام وتختفي التكتلات.
4- قمت باستخدام الثوم البودرة ويمكن استبداله مقداره في الوصفة بفص ثوم كبير مفروم.

الوصفة تكفــي: 3/4 كوب
وقت التحضير: 3 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: لا يوجد
Simple and delicious recipe for those who don't know how to make basic Tahini dip, this dip or salad as it's called in middle east is the most delicious dip served with barbecued or roasted meat in general, it could be added to your favorite sandwich as well, hope you like it.

Recipe tips:
1- Don't mix this dip in the food processor or blender or you won't get the taste and texture it usually gets.
2- You can mix some chopped parsley with the dip after preparing it.
3- When stirring Tahini or sesame paste with water you could get some lumps  it's OK keep stirring or whisking and it will be fine and lumps will be gone.
4- I used garlic powder you can always substitute it for a minced big clove of garlic in this recipe.

Serves: 3/4 cup
Prep. Time: 3 minutes
Cooking Time: None
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Watch Taken 2 (2012) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys

see-turkeyTaken 2 (2012) Starring Liam Neeson and Famke Janssen. I have watched this movie last week with my friends and we all love it. It had a lot of action in it and Liam Neeson did very well, a great actor. This movie has a very poor reviews but it is actually a good film.

How to watch Taken 2 For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Taken 2 (2012) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Taken 2 2012 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys A Wonderful Story

see-turkeyThe Pursuit of Happyness (2006) starting Will Smith and Thandie Newton. "The Pursuit of Happiness" is just a wonderful story (based on a true). Will Smith, I have to say this may be his best film ever! It's also One of the best biography/drama movie I have watched in my life.

How to watch The Pursuit of Happyness For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. Watch The The Pursuit of Happyness 2006 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys

see-turkeySnow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) Starring Adriana Caselotti. Snow White is a real story in 1812. Her real story wasn't as romantic as the movie though. The movie has the most beautiful music in it.

How to watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. Watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 1937 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch Mulan (1998) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys One of The Best Disney movie of all time

see-turkeyMulan (1998) Starring Ming-Na Wen. One of My favorite Disney movies, I haven't seen it in so long but I love this movie that's why I decided to add it to my blog. Mulan was epic both the movie and the character herself. Who Remembers Mulan? :)

How to watch Mulan Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Mulan (1998) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. Watch Mulan 1998 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch Cinderella (1950) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys Everyone Deserves True Love

see-turkeyCinderella (1950). Starring Ilene Woods. One of best all-time Disney movie! People will never ever stop loving these kind of movies. Never too old to watch a Disney movie Cinderella is really such a wonderful movie. Never gets old specially to girls :) I hope you all will enjoy this movie. Don't forget to Like my Facebook page to get notifications via Facebook when new movies are added to my blog.

How to watch Cinderella For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Cinderella (1950) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. Watch Cinderella 1950 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Watch The Vow (2012) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys A Different Complicated Love Story

see-turkeyThe Vow (2012) starting Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. The Vow is probably one of the best movies I have seen in a couple of years. I was on a flight to new york a couple of weeks ago and I started watching "The Vow" which was really a decent movie. It shows a great message to everyone when you love someone, you would do anything keep them by your side and keep them happy. The Vow already took the top spot at the box office and exceeded all expectations. ROMANTIC MOVIES are my absolute favorites and you all may have noticed that most of the movies I add here are Romantic Movies.

How to watch The Vow For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Vow (2012) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. Watch The Vow 2012 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Watch The Lucky One (2012) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys Emotional Movie From the Best This Year

see-turkeyThe Lucky One (2012) starting Zac Efron and Taylor Schilling. The Lucky One is an amazing movie. If you haven't watched a sad movie in a while and you are fan of those type of movies, you should consider watching this movie. Another good Drama movie that I am going to add to "Movies that make you cry" Section. Some people say it's better than Notebook, The Last song and Vow but I like The Notebook more.

How to watch The Lucky One For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Lucky One (2012) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch The Lucky One 2012 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.
iPad/iPhone Stream

Friday, December 7, 2012

FINAL Piala Malaysia 2015 Selangor Vs Kedah


Monday, December 3, 2012

Watch Taken 1 (2008) Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys

see-turkeyTaken (I) (2008). A story about a father who use his old skills to save his daughter who was kidnapped on a trip to Paris to be sold into prostitution. This movies is from Most Memorable Movies for Dads. Liam Neeson was very impressive. I hope you all will enjoy watching it.

How to watch Taken 1 (2008) For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Taken I (2008) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. Watch Taken 2008 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Watch The Last Song (2010) Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys A Heart-warming Romantic Drama

see-turkeyThe Last Song (2010) starting Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. The Last Song movie was requested by someone here and it was out in theaters on March 31, 2010. There are a lot of comparisons between the book and the movie. I haven't read the novel yet but I did truly enjoy the movie. We all knew Miley from Disney Hannah Montana but her acting was impressive here (Please when you watch movie, let us your opinion on her acting).

I have to say that this movie from the best movies I have watched this year. I think girls who like relationship with problems will enjoy watching this movie. I didn't cry but I know a lot of people who watched it and cried so I gonna add it to "Movies that make you cry" section.

How to watch The Last Song For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Last Song (2010) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. Watch The Last Song 2010 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Ashura (Egyptian Wheat Pudding) طريقة العاشورة بالصور

Ashura (Egyptian Wheat Pudding) طريقة العاشورة بالصور
Ashura (Egyptian Wheat Pudding) حلو عاشورة

Scroll down for English post
وصفة اليوم طبق حلو مصري لذيذ ومغذي وهو عاشورة وتم تسميته بهذا الاسم نسبة إلى يوم عاشوراء وهو اليوم العاشر من شهر محرم الهجري والذي يتم فيه الاحتفال بنجاة سيدنا موسى من فرعون، وهو عبارة عن بودينج بالقمح أو مهلبية قمح مقشور أو ما يطلق عليه في بعض أنحاء مصر "بليلة".

نصيحة الوصفة:
1- يجب خلط النشاء جيداً مع نسبة سائل سواء حليب أو ماء قبل إضافتها إلى المكونات على النار.
2- بمجرد إضافة النشاء للحليب يجب التقليب المستمر حتى لا يتكتل.
3- حسب المذاق المفضل لكم يمكن استخدام الحليب المكثف بدلاً من الحليب البودرة والاستغناء عن السكر.

الوصفة تكفــي: حتى 10 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: ساعة تقريباً (وقت طهي القمح)
وقت الطهــــي: 20 دقيقة

We have today a delicious and nutritious dessert from middle east especially from Egypt, it's called "Ashura" which is named after an Arabic day (10th of Muharram month in Hijri calender), and it means "the tenth", it's a wheat pudding or "Muhallabia" using peeled wheat and milk.

Recipe Tips:
1- You should mix the corn starch with a liquid very well write before adding to the milk.
2- Once you add the corn starch you should stir or else the mixture would be lumpy.
3- You can substitute powdered milk and sugar for condensed milk.

Serves: up to 10 people
Prep. Time: 1 hour approx. (to cook wheat)
Cooking time: 20 minutes approx.
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Monday, November 19, 2012

Your Top 5 Best Movies Ever? Let us know your Best 5 Movies via Comments

First I would like to thank everyone who come to visit my blog. I am really glad I was able to help not everyone but most of the people who come here to watch movies online without download and without asking for credit card. Your comments were inspiring and encouraging to continue and work more.

A few months ago I did a post asking visitors to request any movie they want to see here and it worked very well and a lot of good movies were added to my blog so I decided to create another post but this time I gonna ask everyone What are your best 5 movies? Better not to be older than 1980s.

Kindly post your 5 Top Movies via comments and I will probably check them all and will add some of them to my blog. Feel free post anything via comment not only the names but why you think they are good movies. Movies can be horror, comedy, romance, drama, action any type as long as you found it good and interesting. Have a great day everyone.

Watch Braveheart (1995) Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys Incredible Masterpiece Epic Movie

see-turkeyBraveheart (1995) starting Mel Gibson and Sophie Marceau. For me it's one of the best epic films ever made and Mel Gibson best achievement. This movie is on my list of the greatest movies of all time. It's about Mel Gibson who is fighting for his and his men freedom.

How to watch Braveheart For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Braveheart (1995) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. Watch Braveheart 1995 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Pencil sketch

Sunday boredom with Mustang.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pineapple Upside-Down Cake كيكة الأناناس المقلوبة

Upside-Down Pineapple Cake كيكة الأناناس المقلوبة

Scroll down for English post
مرحباً بكم! اليوم سأقدم لكم واحدة من أفضل الحلويات بالنسبة لزوجي وهي كيكة الأناناس والكرز المقلوبة. مقلوبة لأننا نقوم بتحضيرها بالعكس حيث نضع الزينة أولاً وفوقها خليط الكيك ونخبزها ثم نقلبها للتقديم، إنه كيك خفيف وطعمه لذيذ وسهل التحضير للغاية، كما أن شكله بالفعل رائع فلا يحتاج إلى تزيين. أتمنى أن يعجبكم.

نصيحة الوصفة:
1- يمكنكم التحكم في سمك الكيك حسب اتساع الصينية، هذا المقدار يمكن خبزه في صينية مقاس 25 سم أنا قمت باستخدام صينية مقاس 28 لأنني أحبها رقيقة وكلما اتسعت الصينية زاد عدد شرائح الأناناس ولكن لا تزيد عن 28 لأنها ستكون أكبر من اللازم للخليط.
2- يفضل خبز الكيك في صينية خامتها حديد الزهر وإذا لم تتوافر يفضل أن يكون قاع الصينية سميك نوعاً ما إذا كانت متاحة (اختياري).
3- إذا لم يتوفر السكر البني الفاتح يمكنكم خلط كوب سكر مع 1 1/2 ملعقة طعام عسل أسود في محضرة الطعام.
الوصفة تكفــي: 5 إلى 7 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: عشر دقائق
وقت الخبـــــز: 35 إلى 45 دقيقة
Hello everyone! Today I'm going to make one of my husband's favorite cakes which is pineapple upside-down cake. It's called upside-down because we place the garnish first then the cake batter and bake it then flip it on the other side to serve it. It's light, delicious, and really easy to make, AND it looks great so you don't have to garnish or anything like that. I hope you like it :)

Recipe Tips:
1- You can control the cake thickness by using larger or smaller pan, the normal size for my cake here is 25cm but is I used a 28cm tray because I like it thin and I like more pineapple slices as the wider the pan is, the more pineapple you can add, but don't use larger than 28cm as it will be too large for these ingredients or otherwise double them.
2- It's better to bake it in a cast iron pan if not available then use a thicker bottom tray if available (optional).
3- If you don't have light brown sugar, mix 1 cup granulated sugar with 1 1/2 tablespoons molasses in the food processor.

Serves: 5 to 7 People
Prep. Time: 10 minutes
Baking Time: 35 to 45
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pomegranate & Preserved Lemon Chicken Pilaf بيلاف الدجاج بالرمان والليمون المخلل

Pomegranate & Preserved Lemon Chicken Pilaf بيلاف الدجاج بالرمان والليمون المخلل
Pomegranate & Preserved Lemon Chicken Pilaf بيلاف الدجاج بالرمان والليمون المخلل

Scroll down for English post
من الجميل أن نقوم بتجربة وصفة جديدة ومختلفة والأجمل أن ينتج عن هذه التجربة طبق لذيذ جداً ومن أول مرة :)، هذا ما فعلته مع وصفة اليوم والذي يمكن أن تطلقوا عليه اسم دجاج سويت اند ساور (دجاج حلو وحامض)، هي وصفة مختلفة استوحيت مكوناتها من أكثر من مذاق والذي ألهمني بالوصفة هو الرمان حيث أردت أن أجربه بشكل مختلف عن أكله فقط كفاكهة، وبما أنني من محبي أطباق الأرز والدجاج أحببت أن أضيف الرمان معه بالإضافة إلى مذاقات أخرى تمنيت أن تتجانس معه وبالفعل حدث الحمد لله، لأول وهلة عندما شممت رائحة الدجاج كانت مختلفة عن أي طبق دجاج أعددته من قبل لذا كنت متخوفة من الطعم ولكنني بالفعل تفاجأت بمدى روعته فهذا الطبق حقاً لذيذ جداً ويجب أن تجربوه وتخبرونني بالنتيجة :). أترككم مع الوصفة وأتمنى أن تعجبكم.

*كلمة بيلاف المقصود بها الأرز المطبوخ في المرق المُتبَّل.

نصيحة الوصفة:
1- في بداية عمل عصير الرمان نعصر برفق ليس بسرعة وإلا سوف نغطي أنفسنا ببقع حمراء نتيجة الرمان :D
2- نحتاج للدجاج إلى ثلثي كوب عصير الرمان ويمكن تحضيره من رمانة ونصف تقريباً والباقي سنستخدمه مع الأرز بعد طهيه.
It feels great when you try something new and it turns out perfectly, that's what I did with today's recipe which you can call it sweet and sour chicken with rice. I wanted some change, new flavor, wanted to cook something savory with pomegranate instead of eating it just like that, so as I love rice and chicken dishes I wanted to start using it with a rice dish with some other flavors that I thought would match and thank God they did :). It had a different smell from any other chicken dish I've ever made so I was anxious about the taste but I was totally surprised how good it was really, this dish is so delicious and you have to give a try believe me ;). I'll leave you now with the recipe.

Recipe tips:
1- When preparing the pomegranate juice work slowly at the first or else you will covered with red spots :D
2- We want about 2/3 of a cup of pomegranate juice for the chicken so you can make it out of one and half pomegranates and leave the rest for the rice.
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Watch Gladiator (2000) Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys A sensational epic Film

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How to watch Gladiator For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.
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Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Watch Romance Movies Online For Free No Download No Surveys 100% Free

Romance MoviesWatch Romance Movies Online For Free No Download No Surveys 100% Free. Who don't love romantic film (Movies)? That kind of movies that makes you cry and at the same time makes you start thinking about love possibilities.

Want to watch Romance Movies online Free, check my list below for the Top Romance movies and click on the name of the movie to watch it. Enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment here to let us know which one do you like more and which one makes you cry.

How to watch Romance Movies For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie. Some movies might have extra instructions listed on each post so be sure to follow instructions to get stream to work. It's very easy. Watch Movies Here No Downloading Required.

1- Titanic
2- The NoteBook
3- Twilight
4- A Walk to Remember
5- Sweet November
6- City of Angels

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Watch The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys

see-turkeyThe Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009). Twilight movies included fantasy and love as well. It's a great romantic love story. I can tell you all that I watched twilight second movie and I instantly fell in love with it. I have watched it more than once and it gets better every time.

How to watch The Twilight Saga: New Moon For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.
if you want to watch The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. Watch The Twilight Saga: New Moon Online Free Here No Downloading Required.
Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2010 Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys

see-turkeyThe Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010) an American Romantic fantasy movie based on the book. Today, I watched Twilight Eclipse and I can say it's a good movie delivered good action through out the movie especially the big battle. I know there are a lot of critics on twilight series movies and they all think we are 13 years old but I don't care we like it and we know who we are lol. Edward and Bella were good and the movie had some romantic scenes which we all like you can feel the love and passion between them. Fight training scene was good. Bella, Edward and Jacob seemed to have a better chemistry than in previous twilight films.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 arrives in cinemas November 16th so it's a good time to watch Twilight Saga before Dawn Part 2 come up.

How to watch The Twilight Saga: Eclipse For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2010 movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. Watch The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2010 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.
Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fix for Win8 Unhandled Error -1 (SSF4)

Ugh, this problem was infuriating. I got a cheap copy of Windows 8 through my job and decided to go ahead and install it, just to be up-to-date. Then, I went to play SSF4AE via Steam and instead of launching, I got an ugly little window that said "An unhandled error has occurred -1."

After digging around online, it appears that the fault lies in Windows 8's default implementation of Games For Windows Live. |:-[

To get around this problem, we need to uninstall the default GFWL and download the latest installer from Microsoft.

You DO NOT have to uninstall/reinstall Steam as is suggested elsewhere online. If you try that, be aware that it will may uninstall all of your games at the same time (thanks to MasterPhW for the correction). It's supposed to ask before doing so, but it didn't ask me, so YMMV.

Live Streaming Maharaja Lawak Mega 2014

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

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How to watch The Dirty Dancing Online Free - click on the play button then wait for around 5-10 minutes for video to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Dirty Dancing movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on the play button. Watch Dirty Dancing (1987) Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that the movie is working fine.
iPad/iPhone Stream

Friday, September 28, 2012

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if you want to watch Romeo + Juliet 1996 movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on the play button. It's very easy. Watch Romeo + Juliet Online Free Here No Downloading Required.
Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 2011 Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys

see-turkeyThe Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 2011. This movie requested by a visitor to my blog. I haven't watched it but would love to hear your opinion about it.

How to watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 2011 movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine. If the stream doesn't work for you, you may want to try the alternative stream.
Alternative Stream 1 - Alternative Stream 2 - iPad/iPhone Stream

Watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 2012 Online For Free Without Downloading No Surveys

see-turkeyThe Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2. New Breaking Dawn Part 2 still of Edward and Bella. 48 days till Breaking Dawn Part 2. ‘Breaking Dawn Part 2′ came on November 16, 2012. The Voltury VS Edward's family.

How to watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 For Free - click on the "Close to play" button to close ads, wait for 5-10 min for video to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 2012 movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on the close to play button and stream will start automatically. It's very easy. Watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.
Alternative Stream #1 Alternative Stream #2 Alternative Stream #3 - iPad/iPhone Stream

Watch If Only 2004 Online Movie For Free Without Downloading No Surveys American romantic drama film

see-turkeyIf Only is an American romantic drama film that was directed by Gil Junger and starring Paul Nicholls and Jennifer Love Hewitt. This movie is full of emotion, love and romance. This is from the best romantic movies I ever seen.

How to watch If Only For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch If Only (2004) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. Watch If Only Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Where can I Watch Titanic Online For Free? Watch Titanic Full Movie Online here

Watch Titanic OnlineIf you are looking for a way to watch Titanic Full movie online, you have come to the right place. I have added a new stream 4 parts. Quality is good. All you have to do to watch Movie full is to click on the play button:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Background Shader for RetroArch

UPDATE (9/18/2012): It turns out the Themaister already wrote a waaay better version of this shader that can do some cool things like move the location of the game window and scale to arbitrary scale factors (i.e., not just even integers). I also made another old TV background:
If you'd like to try Themaister's version of the shader--which I've provided as-is, as well as combined with flat and curved CRT shaders--you can download it and the above TV background here:

UPDATE (9/26/2012): Another one by request, using Super Metroid's Japanese artwork:

Original Post:

I've been working on a fun little pixel shader for use with RetroArch that functions similarly to the Cg border shader but using GLSL and the XML shader format. The way it works is that it combines the functionality of the existing integer scale shader with a lookup texture (LUT) that loads an external texture and then combines that image with the rendered game image. The LUT then has a transparent window in the middle where you can see the game peeking through.

In the simplest application, you can put whatever fancy stuff you want around the game window, like this awesome pixel-art border created by FirebrandX (NOTE: all of these look better in actual use; the way I took the screenshots caused the game's vertical resolution to get cut off by the border a bit):

By using RetroArch's awesome multipass shader support, you can also tack on some fun effects, like cgwg's CRT shader and some high-resolution artwork:

We can also do fun stuff like this TV border:

And we can use the transparency of the background image to overlay things across the game, like this Super Mario Bros 2 border, which has the characters overlapping a bit:

You can download these and others here:

To use the shader, you'll need to uncheck the 'Lock Aspect Ratio' option in RetroArch, under 'Video' and put the desired background image in the same folder as the shader with filename 'background.png.' The backgrounds only work with specific monitor resolutions, so I've included 1080p versions of the ones pictured above, while FirebrandX was kind enough to make several iterations of his sweet pixel-art backgrounds that work at their specified resolutions. I've also included several background-compatible shaders, including the raw shader, ones with cgwg's CRT+NTSC-RGB (both flat and curved varieties) and some with cgwg's CRT+NTSC-RF (both flat and curved varieties).

In case you'd like to make your own, I've also included a simple template (in PSD format) for 1080p resolutions.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ubuntu Quantal Beta - First Impressions on x120e

I just updated to the latest beta release of Ubuntu, codenamed Quantal Quetzel (or, as I call it, Quantum Pretzel), on my Lenovo x120e netbook.

Installation went smoothly and my optional broadcom wireless chipset was detected and enabled automatically during installation. This is the first time that has loaded without any hassle on my part, and I'm very pleased with the result. Users with the default atheros chipset have been enjoying this ease of installation for several releases already.

Installation went smoothly, now that they've squashed a particularly nasty bug in the installer that would crash if you tried to manually modify the partition table...

Once I booted into the actual installed system, it defaulted to use the open source driver for my integrated Radeon Fusion chipset, which provides adequate acceleration for transparency and other desktop composition goodies. Speaking of, the default Unity interface seems to have been improved further beyond the already much-improved Precise release, with the icons in the dock being smaller and less cartoony on my machine, with transparent backgrounds rather than the garish multicolored backgrounds from before (YMMV).

Virtual desktop switching also seems much improved. I never used it before because it felt clunky and laggy, but now transitions are smooth and dragging windows among desktops is effortless and intuitive. However, sometimes the windowing system gets confused and tries to maximize things inappropriately, leaving a transparent orange overlay on the screen--to show where it's trying to maximize--until you click on the window decoration and let it do its thing, then resize.

Suspend works well on this machine, faster than before and with quicker wakeups, and the wireless reconnects faster after suspend, as well. There doesn't seem to be a hibernate option anymore, so I couldn't test that.

One problem I ran into: I previously used my /etc/fstab to mount a shared folder from my network at startup via smbfs, but that package has been removed upstream, so now I use cifs as the filesystem and that seems to work just fine.

If you have any questions or anything you'd like me to test, feel free to hit me up in the comments.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Netflix Channel Installation Error on Softmodded Wii

The Netflix channel on my Wii finally stopped letting me skip the nag screen and demanded that I update. So, I deleted the old Netflix channel from Wii's the built-in channel management menu and attempted to download the new version from the Shop Channel.

I was greeted with an error 204036 and given the option to try again, which gave the same results each time.

So, I tried to just download a copy of the channel wad (Netflix Channel v1024 USA) to install through a wad manager. This didn't work, either, as it kept giving me error -1022 (Content did not match hash in TMD).

I tried using a bunch of different IOSes to install, but nothing worked, though I ended up finding a solution:

Step 1. Go download a copy of the old Netflix Channel wad (NetflixChannel-v1-USA) and reinstall it via a wad manager.

Step 2. Once it's installed successfully, use the wad manager to uninstall it. (I got an error during uninstallation, but it finished okay anyway, FYI)

Step 3. Install the new Netflix Channel wad and it should complete successfully this time.

Apparently, the Wii's normal channel removal tool leaves behind some garbage that stops the new channel from installing properly. By reinstalling the old version and then uninstalling it through the wad manager, we can get rid of that garbage and end up with a clean slate.

Update: If this doesn't work for you right away, you may have to install IOS 56 and/or the Shop Channel v20 first. In my case, I'm still on a much older shop channel, but someone in the comments mentioned needing to do this before it would work.

Update2: It's asking for another update... If you follow the steps above, then uninstall Netflix via a wad manager, you should be able to download the updated Netflix channel from the Shop Channel.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Customizing cgwg's CRT Pixel Shader

This document identifies some of the user-configurable options available in cgwg's GLSL CRT shader and provides some screenshots to explain their effects.

For individuals interested in recapturing the look of retro gaming consoles played on a CRT television like the ones we grew up with, cgwg's CRT shader provides the closest approximation available for modern LCD displays. The pixel shader is purely cosmetic--nothing could impart the technical advantages of a CRT, such as negligible input lag and insanely high contrast, to an LCD--but it can go a long way to displaying old games as we remember them. Since memory and nostalgia are important to the way we perceive these games, each person will have different feelings about what looks "right" to them.

We will be using the latest (as of the time of this writing, 7/28/12) and most complete version of the shader, known as CRT-Geom. This shader allows for simulated screen curvature, rounded corners, simulation of a back-tilted screen (for arcade emulation) and many other goodies. All images are captured at 4x scale, click the thumbnails to embiggen.

This is what the shader looks like with all default parameters, also known as the 'curved' variant (cgwg chose sane values for all of the variables by default):
The user-configurable parameters are primarily located in two places in the shader, starting at line 87 for the first section and line 135 for the second section. You should be able to open and edit the shader in any text editor, but I recommend Notepad++.

The first parameters, 'gamma of simulated CRT' and 'gamma of display monitor' allow the shader to determine how much gamma correction to apply to the image. CRT displays generally had higher gamma ratings than most LCD displays (2.4 for a typical CRT vs 2.2 for a typical LCD), so the shader adds 0.2 to the gamma to compensate. If you calibrate your LCD to a higher or lower gamma setting, you may wish to change the 'gamma of display monitor' to reflect your individual settings. You can also raise or lower the simulated gamma to make a darker, more saturated look:
or a lighter, desaturated look:

Next, we have 'overscan.' Each CRT showed a slightly different amount of the picture, and the cut-off portion was referred to as overscan. You can modify the amount of over- or underscan by changing this variable. Setting it to (0.00,0.00) will assume you want the picture aligned exactly with the borders of the window. Setting it to a value greater than 1.0 (for example, 1.10,1.10) will cut off a large portion of the screen (approximately 10% in this example):
while setting it to a value less than 1.0 will surround the screen with black bars (i.e., underscan):

Increasing the overscan slightly, say, to 1.02,1.02, can cut off unsightly garbage lines at the top of the screen, which is common on NES games.

Next, we have 'aspect ratio,' which controls how much our screen curvature settings will affect the top/bottom and sides of the image. The default setting of 1.0, 0.75 means the curvature will be more pronounced on the top/bottom than on the sides, to compensate for the standard 4:3 aspect ratio. Setting it to 1.0, 1.0 will make the settings affect both sides of the screen equally, which isn't quite right in that the top/bottom actually appears more curved than the sides:
 If for some reason you want only the sides straight, you can set it to 1.0, 0.5:

or 0.5, 1.0 to make only the top/bottom straight:

Next up, we have 'simulated distance from viewer to monitor.' Similar to the 'aspect ratio' setting, this exaggerates the effect of the 'tilt angle' setting that we'll be covering in just a moment. The default value of 2.0 is reasonable. Increasing the value reduces the effect of the tilt angle:
while lower values magnify it:

Next, we have 'radius of curvature,' which determines how curved our simulated TV tube will be. Setting the value to 2.0 reduces the curvature to something more like what I remember.

'Tilt angle' pincushions one side of the screen. To tilt the screen back, use a negative value for the second number. The default for the 'arcade tilt' variant, (0.0,-0.15), is a sane value:
while increasing the second value tilts it back further, which can be disorienting:

After that, we come to 'cornersize,' which determines the radius of the corner arc. I think a setting of 0.03, as used in the default image, looks appropriate. Increasing the value to 0.10 makes for some silly, super-round corners:
while a value of 0.001 makes for super-pointy corners:

For the last parameter in this section, we have 'cornersmooth,' which determines how sharp (sharp as in sharp/blur, not as in pointy) the corners look. The default value is 1000.0, which looks fine, but I noticed that if you set the value insanely low (i.e., 80), you get a little vignetting around the edges, which reminds me of my crummy old TVs:
On to the next set of parameters.

The second set of options are either enabled or disabled by using 'comments,' which in this case are represented as a double-slash, like this //.

The first option is 'linear processing,' which calculates the interpolation in linear gamma:
The effect is subtle (black outlines will be thinner), but disabling it via commenting it out (//#define LINEAR_PROCESSING) can improve the framerate with some video cards.

Next, we have 'Enable screen curvature.' Pretty self-explanatory, but if you comment this line out, you'll get straight top/bottom/sides of the screen, but with the corner arcs intact (barely visible in this shot):
By commenting this out and setting 'cornersize' to 0.0, you get an idealized flat CRT tube, which is represented by the 'CRT-flat' shader variant:

The next two options work together (that is, if you uncomment one, you should comment the other). By default, the shader uses 3x oversampling of the beam profile, which makes brighter pixels bleed further into the surrounding scanlines. Here it is with the default oversampling, scaled up 400% (look closely; it's most obvious on the bright red of Mario's sleeve):

and here it is with the gaussian beam profile:
The gaussian beam profile may have better performance on some video cards.

Those are all of the options available for the standard CRT shader, but there are a few more things we can add in. The first of which is support for interlaced video. Some games did a sort of fake doubling of their vertical resolution by showing different lines of a progressive signal on alternating frames in a process known as interlacing. If handled incorrectly, you will see a ton of combing artifacts (weird horizontal lines on moving objects), as well as distorted scanlines (first image taken using this older, non-interlace-supported version):

These pictures unfortunately cannot show the jutter in the lower image that occurs from showing different lines on each alternating frame.

Next, we have support for pseudo-hires transparency--whereby games created a fake transparency effect by doubling the horizontal resolution to 512 and then covering the transparent area with thin vertical lines, which were then squished together and blurred when the CRT displayed the image--in the games that utilize it, including Jurassic Park and Kirby's Dreamland 3:

This blurring is accomplished by adding another pass to the shader that does nothing but squish the horizontal resolution from 512 to 256. Note: this variant is multipass and therefore incompatible with the official bsnes/higan GUI. Retroarch can use it just fine with bsnes-derived emulation cores, but it is incompatible with FBO/2-pass shader stacking.

Finally, to simulate the natural phosphor glow of a CRT display, cgwg created a multipass version of his CRT shader that includes a "halation" pass, which provides a soft blur that is most noticeable against a black background, such as the Nintendo logo screen in Super Mario World (it also seems to be doing some aspect ratio correction, though I'm unsure if that's intentional):
Here's a shot of Super Metroid's title screen without and with halation, respectively:

Note: Like the TV blur variant, this halation variant is multipass and thus incompatible with the official bsnes/higan GUI. It works fine with Retroarch but is incompatible with the FBO/2-pass feature.

Now, beyond the CRT display, our childhood gaming experiences were also colored by limitations of the NTSC signal standard and the lossy, analog hookups we used to connect our consoles. To capture these effects, we turn to blargg's NTSC filter, which runs on the CPU rather than the GPU and can thus be combined with our CRT shader.

The NTSC filter is available in these CPU filter packs (compatible with RetroArch but not bsnes/higan):
Linux 32-bit
Linux 64-bit
Mac OS X

The least intrusive variant of the filter is the RGB preset, which simulates a high-quality RGB connection. This variant provides NTSC color gamut correction but leaves the signal otherwise untouched:
Next, we have the S-video variant, which has color correction and some fringing, but is still relatively high-quality. This is the variant I use most of the time:
The third variant, composite, brings in a lot of signal noise and color bleed, just as you would get through a composite, RCA-cable connection:
The worst-quality variant is RF, which looks just as messy as the composite signal, but with added jutter every other frame, just like when using the RF adapter bundled with classic consoles:
One thing to be aware of, though, when using any variant of the NTSC filter is that it also does some gamma correction, which can be overwhelming to some people when combined with the CRT shader. To mitigate this effect, you can modify the CRT shader's 'gamma of simulated CRT' to match the 'gamma of display monitor' value to disable the shader's own gamma correction (shown here with the S-video variant):

My personal preferences, depending on the game/system: 'radius of curvature' of 2.0, cornersize of 0.03, cornersmooth of 80.0 and NTSC-Svideo. Sometimes I'll use the flat variant (especially on displays that have problems with moire patterns caused by curvature+scanlines), and I often use the halation variant when I'm on a machine with sufficient resources. I always use interlacing support, which has been incorporated into all of the latest versions, and TV blur when possible (i.e., when using Retroarch rather than the official bsnes/higan GUI).

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