Sunday, March 31, 2013

Stir Fry Lamb Liver Sandwich ساندويتش الكبدة الضاني

Stir Fry Lamb Liver Sandwich ساندويتش الكبدة الضاني

Scroll down for English post
تختلف الكبدة الضاني عن الكبدة البقري في طعمها المختلف والذي يحتاج إلى توابل مميزة لتظهر لذتها وتخفي أي رائحة أو طعم غير مرغوب فيهم (زفارة). وصفتي اليوم ستحببكم أكثر من الكبد الضاني وسترغبوا في تحضيرها من وقت لآخر :)، قمت بتحضيرها مع قلب وكلى الخروف / الضأن مع الفلفل الحار والثوم والليمون.

نصيحة الوصفة:
1- لا تبالغوا في طهي الكبدة فهي لا تأخذ إلا دقائق معدودة ليتم نضجها.
2- إذا لم تكن الكبدة مقطعة يسهل تقطيعها وهي نصف مجمدة ولكن احذروا جيداً أثناء استخدام السكين حتى لا تجرحوا أصابعكم لأن البرودة تفقد الأصابع الإحساس بشكل مؤقت.

الوصفة تكفــي: شخصين
وقت التحضير: 5 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: 10 دقائق
Lamb Liver is different from beef liver for its unique flavor that needs special spice to enhance and develop the delicious taste in it and hide any unpleasant smell or taste. My recipe will make you love it more and want to make it every now and then :), I stir fried it with lamb kidney and heart with hot green pepper, lemon, and garlic.

Recipe Tips:
1- Don't over cook the liver it doesn't take more than few minutes to be cooked.
2- If you're going to cut the liver yourself, it's easier to cut it while half frozen but be very careful with your fingers as they cold you won't feel anything while using the knife.

Serves: 2 people
Prep. Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Watch The Mask (1994) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyThe Mask one of my favorite Jim Carrey movies. It's also from the funniest film I have ever seen in my life. The mask is a movie that can be enjoyed by anyone. Cameron Diaz will never forget this movie, it's her acting debut and one of the best performance of her career. You will always get entertained when you watch this film. A must-see for those who want to laugh so much FUN!.

How to watch The Mask For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch The Mask (1994) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch The Mask 1994 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch Footloose (2011) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyFootloose is not as good as the original but still a good remake! The storyline is the same as original with just a few updates. The music and dancing are good. It's an entertaining movie that's filled with good music and dance. I would recommend it to everyone if you go to see it with your friends, you probably won't regret it. Don't forget to leave a comment after you watch it and let us know your thoughts.

How to watch Footloose For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Footloose (2011) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Footloose 2011 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch August Rush (2007) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyAugust Rush is a touching movie with some great music. if you are a music fan, you will probably love this film. I hope everyone will enjoy this movie. Have a great weekend.

How to watch August Rush For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch August Rush (2007) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch August Rush 2007 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Watch Movies Online Without Download on iPad, iPhone and iPod and other Devices

see-turkeyI have decided to add all the movies that are compatible with the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch in this post to make it easy for mobile users to watch and enjoy the movies I add. It's also compatible with computers (Pc's and laptop). Just click on the name of the movie you would like to watch and follow the instructions posted. Enjoy Movies. You can also request new movies to be added here via comments.

All Movies
Pirates of the Caribbean Movies
2012-2013 Disney Movies
More Free Movies
Superman Movies Online For Free on iPad, iPhone and Other Devices
Movies That Will Make You Cry
Full Movies Online For Free on Android
The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Movies
Twilight Movies
Harry Potter Movies
Fast and Furious Movies
Leonardo DiCaprio Movies
Jennifer Aniston Movies
Superman: Unbound (2013)
Disney Movies
LOL (2012)
Beautiful Creatures (2013)
Safe Haven (2013)
Troy (2004)
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Girl in Progress (2012)
Les Misérables (2012)
ParaNorman (2012)
The Lucky One (2012)
The Expendables 2 (2012)
The (2012)
Step Up Revolution (2012) (Step Up 4: Miami Heat)
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
Wanderlust (2012)
Pitch Perfect (2012)
Ted (2012)
King Kong (2005)
Twilight (2008)
Dirty Dancing (1987)
The Reader (2008)
Keith (2008)
Sweet November (2001)
P.S. I Love You (2007)
The Vow (2012)
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Remember Me (2010)
A Walk to Remember (2002)
The Notebook (2004)
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011)
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012)
Titanic (1997)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Custard Filled Kunafa الكنافة بالكاسترد

Custard Filled Kunafa الكنافة بالكاسترد

Scroll down for English post
الكنافة هي أحد الحلويات الشرقية المشهورة بمصر وتركيا. الكنافة بالكسترد حلو رائع يذكرني بطفولتي حيث كانت أمي تحضرها لنا وكنت أحبها أكثر من أي نوع آخر من الكنافة فأنا أحب طعم الكاسترد، سأقدمها لكم من مطبخي بطريقة سهلة ولذيذة وشكل رائع لتنال إعجاب كل من يراها ويتذوقها.

Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Monday, March 25, 2013

Vegan Moussaka مسقعة نباتي بدون قلي باذنجان

Vegan Moussaka مسقعة نباتي بدون قلي باذنجان

Scroll down for English post
المسقعة هي طبق مشهور في مصر وتركيا واليونان، وفي مصر يوجد نوعان من المسقعة إما في الفرن وهي طبقات من الباذنجان المقلي بينها طبقة لحم مفروم معصج وفوقها طبقة بشاميل وتقدم مع الأرز في الغالب، أو فوق البوتاجاز (يخني أو طبخة باذنجان) وتكون نباتية كوصفة اليوم أو مع لحم مفروم أو قطع لحم، وتقدم النباتية مع الخبز في الغالب. وصفة اليوم علمتني إياها والدة زوجي وأعجبتني جداً وأردت أن أشارككم بها وهي في العادة تُحضر بالباذنجان المقلي ولكنني قمت بتحضيره في الفرن لدهون أقل، أتمنى أن تجربوا المسقعة النباتية اللذيذة والمغذية ليوم خالي من اللحوم فكثرة اللحوم خاصة الحمراء تضر بالصحة.

نصيحة الوصفة:
هناك طريقتان لتحضير الباذنجان إما بالقلي وهي الطريقة المعتادة أو في الفرن بزيت أقل وهي طريقتي، في حالة القلي: 
1- قوموا بتصفية الباذنجان بعد قليه وإذا كان لديكم الوقت الكافي يمكن وضع الملح على الباذنجان بعد تقطيعه وضعوه في مصفاة لمدة نصف ساعة إلى ساعتين لكي ينزل منه ماؤه ولا يتشرب الزيت أثناء القلي.
2- في حالة استخدام طريقة الملح: لا تضعوا الباذنجان على مناديل ورق المطبخ بعد القلي حتى لا يلتصق به يفضل وضعه فوق ورق خبز.

الوصفة تكفــي: 4 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: 30 دقيقة
وقت الطهــــي: 20 إلى 30 دقيقة
Moussaka or Musaqaa is one of the most popular dishes in Egypt, Greece, and Turkey. In Egypt it has two types one is baked in the oven which is layers of fried eggplant filled with a layer of ground beef filling and topped with bechamel (usually served with rice), the other type is cooked on the stove like a stew and it sometimes is vegan and sometimes has ground beef or beef cubes, the vegan version is usually served with bread. I learned this recipe from my other in low and I loved it, hope you try this delicious nutritious vegan Musaqaa for meatless lunch or dinner.

Recipe Tip:
There are two ways to prepare eggplant for this recipe either fried (regular one) or oven fried (my version), in case you fry it:
1- Place the eggplant in a strainer after frying to lose any excess fat, if you have time you can (before frying) sprinkle some salt on the eggplant slices in a strainer for 30 to 120 minutes to lose the water inside and not absorb oil while frying.
2-  If you strained eggplants from water as mentioned above don't place it on paper towels after frying or it will stick to the eggplant, you can use parchment paper instead.

Serves: 4 people
Prep. Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 to 30 minutes

Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Friday, March 22, 2013

Watch Toy Story 3 (2010) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyToy Story 3 is 1 of the best films ever. It is funny, sad and enjoyable for all ages. The story and script are brilliant. I was delighted to watch another great Toy Story movie. It has a touching end though, you will love it. A perfect ending to a great kids film. I think TY3 will be remembered by audiences for years and years to come.

How to watch Toy Story 3 For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Toy Story 3 (2010) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Toy Story 3 2010 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Oriental Sausage with Tomato Sauce السجق الشرقي بالطماطم

Oriental Sausage with Tomato Sauce السجق الشرقي بالطماطم

Scroll down for English post
السجق الشرقي له مذاق مميز لما به من توابل عربية لذيذة، وهناك العديد من الطرق لطهيه، أحدها هي وصفتي اليوم والتي تعتبر المفضلة عند زوجي، يمكنه أكلها يومياً لمدة شهر بدون أن يمل منها! إنه طبق لذيذ خاصة إذا تم تقديمه مع سلطة الطحينة؛ هيا بنا نعرف كيفية إعداده.
نصيحة الوصفة:
يسهل تقطيع السجق وهو شبه مجمد ولكن احذروا جيداً عند استخدام السكين فالأصابع تفقد الشعور مؤقتاً وهي باردة.

الوصفة تكفــي: شخصين
وقت التحضير: 3 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: 20 إلى 30 دقيقة
Oriental sausage has its own unique flavor due to the middle eastern spice it has, there are many ways to cook it, one of them is my recipe today which is my husband's favorite, he could eat it everyday for a month and wouldn't hate it! :D it's delicious specially when served with garlic Tahini dip; let's see how to make it!

Recipe Tip:
It's easier to cut the sausages while half frozen but be very careful when using a knife while your fingers are cold because you're not going to feel them like normal.

Serves: 2 people
Prep. Time: 3 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 to 30 minutes
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Monday, March 18, 2013

Oatmeal Pancakes with Molasses & Tahini بانكيك الشوفان بالعسل الأسود والطحينة

Oatmeal Pancakes with Molasses & Tahini بانكيك الشوفان بالعسل الأسود والطحينة

Scroll down for English post
البانكيك هو أحد أفضل الوصفات للإفطار بالنسبة لي، اليوم سأقوم بعمل خلط ما بين الشرق والغرب بخليط العسل الأسود والطحينة، هذا الخليط مشهور جداً في الدول العربية خاصة في مصر ويؤكل مع الخبز أو البريوش أو الفطير المشلتت (يشبه الخبز بطبقات رقيقة وكثير من الدهن). ما أتى بهذه الوصفة في ذهني هو
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Watch Revolutionary Road (2008) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyRevolutionary Road is one of those movies that seems to touch on parts of many people's lives. This film based on a novel a beautifully acted and directed movie about marriage. Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio prove again that they have a good chemistry on the film and they work very well together.

How to watch Revolutionary Road For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Revolutionary Road (2008) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Beauty and the Revolutionary Road 2008 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch Pocahontas (1995) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyPocahontas a stunning movie. The animation is simply beautiful. The characters and sones were amazing and enjoyable. Pocahontas shows relationship which brings to mind Romeo and Juliet love story.

How to watch Pocahontas For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Pocahontas (1995) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Beauty and the Pocahontas 1995 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch Beauty and the Beast (1991) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyBeauty and the Beast is one of my favorites Disney movies of all times. Everything about it is brilliant from the animation right down to music. I watched it more when I was older. Beauty and the Beast was the first animated film to be nominated for Best Picture.

How to watch Beauty and the Beast For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Beauty and the Beast (1991) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Beauty and the Beast 1991 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Kebda Eskandarani: Alexandrian Liver ألذ كبدة اسكندراني

Kebda Eskandarani: Alexandrian Liver ألذ كبدة اسكندراني

Scroll down for English post
الكبدة الاسكندراني هي وصفة لذيذة وحارة مشهورة بمصر وخاصة مدينة الأسكندرية التي سميت على إسمها، يتم طهيها مع الثوم والفلفل الأخضر الحار وغالباً تقدم في سندويتشات مع سلطة الطحينة اللذيذة؛ الوصفة لا تأخذ أي وقت أو مجهود أتمنى أن تعجبكم.
نصيحة الوصفة:
1- لا تبالغوا في طهي الكبدة فهي لا تأخذ إلا دقائق معدودة ليتم نضجها.
2- إذا لم تكن الكبدة مقطعة يسهل تقطيعها وهي نصف مجمدة ولكن احذروا جيداً أثناء استخدام السكين حتى لا تجرحوا أصابعكم لأن البرودة تفقد الأصابع الإحساس بشكل مؤقت.

الوصفة تكفي: شخصين
وقت التحضير: 3 دقائق
وقت الطهي: 10 إلى 15 دقيقة
Egyptian Alexandrian Liver or "Kebda Eskandarany" as called in Egypt is a hot delicious recipe which is popular in Egypt specially Alexandria city as it's named after it. It's liver cut into small pieces and stir fried with garlic and hot green pepper and then mostly served in sandwiches with delicious Tahini dip; this recipe doesn't take time or effort to make, I hope you like it!

Recipe Tips:
1- Don't over cook the liver it doesn't take more than few minutes to be cooked.
2- If you're going to cut the liver yourself, it's easier to cut it while half frozen but be very careful with your fingers as they cold you won't feel anything while using the knife.

Serves: 2 people
Prep. Time: 3 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 to 15 minutes
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Friday, March 15, 2013

Chicken Penne Arrabiata بيني أرابياتا بالدجاج

Chicken Penne Arrabiata بيني أرابياتا بالدجاج

Chicken Penne Arrabiata بيني أرابياتا بالدجاج
Chicken Penne Arrabiata بيني أرابياتا بالدجاج

Scroll down for English post
أرابياتا هي كلمة إيطالية تعني غاضب وتم تسمية باستا بيني أرابياتا لما فيها من حرارة الفلفل الأحمر وفي اعتقادي لأن من يأكلها يحمر وجهه كالغاضب، يمكن عملها كوجبة نباتية باستخدام نفس الوصفة بدون الدجاج فهي لذيذة جداً حتى بدونه.

نصيحة الوصفة:
1- لا تشطفوا الباستا بعد سلقها حتى تغلفها صلصة الطماطم جيداً.
2- لا تطهوا الدجاج والخضروات بشكل زائد عن اللزوم فقط الوقت المطلوب للطهو.
3- رشة السكر المضافة تعادل من حمضية الطماطم ويفضل إضافتها في كل صوص أو صلصة بالطماطم.

الوصفة تكفــي: شخصين
وقت التحضير: 5 دقائق

وقت الطهـــي: 20 دقيقة 
Arrabiata is an Italian word means angry, Penne Arrabiata is called that way due to the heat of the chili in the Arrabiata sauce, I think because it makes your face red like an angry person. Penne Arrabiata is penne pasta with hot garlic and chili tomato sauce (Arrabiata sauce); I'm going to make it with chicken, and if you're a vegan/vegetarian you can make the exact recipe without chicken and it would still be so delicious.

Recipe tips:
1- Don't rinse pasta to be well coated with the tomato sauce.
2- Don't over cook the vegetables or the chicken just till done.
3- Sugar here is added to tomato sauce to balance the acidity in the tomato and should preferably be added to any tomato based sauce.

Serves: 2 people
Prep. Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pixel Shaders for RetroArch 3D Cores

RetroArch got its first 3D core recently in the form of TyrQuake and it seems most of the existing pixel shaders either look unimpressive or don't work at all. Thankfully, shaders written for Pete's OpenGL plugin for PSX emulators are easy to port to RetroArch's XML format and they seem to generally work well enough.

A Lovely Bloom
One of the few conventional shaders that still functions as expected, this one looks really nice, and the screenshot doesn't really do it justice. It gives light sources a nice bloomy glow that softens things up a bit. 

This shader saturates colors somewhat and adds faint scanlines. It has been around for a long time (it was one of the original shaders available for bsnes when it first got pixel shader support) but the scanlines weren't visible on 2D sources, so I was surprised to see them here.

This shader uses the "natural vision" algorithm to do some color adjustment with added post-proc anti-aliasing.

This one darkens the image too much to be very useful in an already dark game like Quake but may be good for future cores that have brighter games.

Edge Detection
While not necessarily practical, this shader draws a line at each color intersection to produce a cool, old-timey effect.

One of the only scale/interpolation shaders that has any noticeable effect, this one is a bit blurry for my tastes but it evens out a lot of the jaggies.

I'm a sucker for scanlines and these normally crummy-looking scanline filters I made a while back actually look pretty nice here. (Note: I think I got the 3x and 4x mixed up; 3x should have fewer, larger scanlines than 4x)


Themaister Waterpaint Scanlines
While the effect isn't as pronounced as with 2D cores, this shader does some smoothing with scanlines and ends up with a sort of screen-door effect that nevertheless looks pretty good.

CPU Filters
Some of the bsnes-style CPU filters work, but not that well. The NTSC variants all perform their normal functions, but the the image is off-center and cuts some things off, as pictured. The scanline filters work pretty well, too, though they're sort of hard to see. Interpolation filters like HQ2X seem to have no visible effect, and SuperEagle crashed my game :/

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Halal Non-alcoholic Chicken Teriyaki ترياكي الدجاج - حلال

Halal Non-alcoholic Chicken Teriyaki ترياكي الدجاج - حلال

Scroll down for English post
أقصد بحلال أنه خالي من الكحول لأن الوصفة الأساسية للترياكي تتضمن كحوليات فاستبدلتها بمكونات أخرى فمثلاً sake (شراب كحولي ياباني مصنوع من الأرز) استبدلته بخل أبيض أو خل الأرز، و mirin (نبيذ ياباني حُلو) استخدمت بدلاً عنه خليط من عصير الليمون والخل أو عصير العنب الأبيض. ترياكي هو طريقة طهي يتم فيها تتبيل الطعام بتتبيلة أساس مكوناتها صلصة الصويا والسكر وmirin ثم يتم شواء هذا الطعام إما على جريل أو في شواية الفرن وفي اليابان يتم استخدام هذا التكنيك في طهي الأسماك بأنواعها. ترياكي الدجاج أو تشيكن ترياكي وصفة لذيذة جداً أحبها فطعم الدجاج الحامض الحلو يسيل اللعاب ويتناسب تماماً مع طعم الفلفل الرومي الملون والذي اخترته لتزيين هذا الطبق، أعجبني هذا الطبق وأتمنى أن يعجبكم أيضاً. :)

نصيحة الوصفة:
1- لا تطبخوا الدجاج أكثر من اللازم أو أكثر من الوقت المذكور في الوصفة إلا إذا كنتم متأكدين أنه يحتاج المزيد من الوقت حتى لا يجف وتخرج منه العصارة اللذيذة.
2- احترسوا عند إضافة الدجاج للمقلاة فهي تحتوي على زيت ساخن والدجاج به سكر يمكن أن يسبب تناثر قطرات ساخنة.
3- قمت بعمل هذه الوصفة مع الأرز الأبيض ويمكنكم تقديمه مع الخضار السوتيه أو النودلز أو عمل ساندوتش تشيكن ترياكي.
4- لا تستخدموا الملح فالصويا صوص مالح بشكل كافي.
5- إذا نضج الدجاج ولم يثقل الصوص بشكل كافي نخرج الدجاج من الإناء على طبق ونثقل الصوص ثم نقلب معه الدجاج مرة أخرى ونطفئ الحرارة.

الوصفة تكفــي: شخصين
وقت التحضير: 20 دقيقة
وقت الطهــــي: 15 إلى 20 دقيقة
Halal food means no pork/ham/bacon and no alcohol, and since chicken Teriyaki originally has alcoholic ingredients, I made some substitutes to make it halal with hopefully the same taste; I substitute the sake (Japanese alcoholic drink made from rice) for white vinegar  or you can use rice vinegar, and for the mirin (Japanese sweet wine) I used vinegar or white grape juice and lemon juice mixed together. Teriyaki is a Japanese cooking technique  which meat is marinated in soy sauce, sugar, and mirin,  and  broiled or grilled; usually made with fish in Japan. Teriyaki chicken is delicious I love that dish, the sweet and sour chicken taste is mouthwatering and it perfectly matches my choice  for garnish (colored bell pepper), I loved it and hope you do too :)

Recipe tips:
1- Don't over cook  the chicken or exceed the cooking time in the recipe unless you're it needs more time or the chicken would dry out and won't be juicy.
2- Be careful when adding chicken to the pan as it's hot and has oil and hot sugar.
3- I made this recipe with rice, you can make it with sauteed vegetables or make a chicken Teriyaki sandwich.
4- Don't use salt, the soy salt is salty enough.
5- If the chicken is cooked but the sauce is not thickened enough, remove the chicken from the pan and let the sauce till it's thick enough then add the chicken back, stir, and turn off the heat.

Serves: 2 people
Prep. Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Monday, March 11, 2013

XRandR Overscan Fix for Intel HD4000 Ubuntu

I have my television hooked up to a computer running Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal and have had issues with overscan across a variety of chipsets. For Nvidia graphics, the proprietary driver sometimes has an overscan compensation slider or at least something. Intel drivers are open source and very convenient but don't seem to have much in the way of driver configuration outside of what's exposed in the normal settings applications.

If you have an Intel chipset, such as the built-in HD4000 graphics that come with Ivy Bridge CPUs, there are a few angles you can try that center around using xrandr, which stands for 'X Resize, Rotate and Reflection.' This program has a bunch of different options, and I strongly recommend spending some time with the man page. No matter which options you try first, you'll need to query the program and see which display device is being used. You can do this by typing into a terminal:
xrandr -q
For me, HDMI3 is the one that's hooked up, so it lists all of the available modelines and some other information.

Now that we know which device is being used, we can invoke xrandr with this syntax:
xrandr --output [device] --[option]

The option that worked for me is --transform, which performs some crazy matrix math that I don't understand (I'll update this post if someone tells me wtf is going on) on each pixel, apparently kinda like the pixel shader stuff I've written about elsewhere, I think...? Anyway (replace HDMI3 with whatever your device is called):
xrandr --output HDMI3 --transform 1.05,0,-35,0,1.05,-19,0,0,1
This doesn't make it fit exactly on my screen but it's much closer than it was. Unfortunately, it gets wiped out every time you logout, so we need to do something to make it stick. You can add it to your startup items or tack it onto your lightdm window manager's configuration file by typing into a terminal:
sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Navigate to the end of the file and start a new line and paste this in:
display-setup-script=xrandr --output HDMI3 --transform 1.05,0,-35,0,1.05,-19,0,0,1
Save and exit and the transform command should kick in every time you login.

Other options that may help:
The 'scale' option should ideally just scale your screen down, but in my experience, it makes everything (text, window borders , etc) bigger, similar to changing the DPI in Windows, without actually changing the visible area.

The 'border' option also seems like it should do exactly what we want, but I haven't seen it actually work anywhere. On my system, it fails with this error:

X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)
  Major opcode of failed request:  140 (RANDR)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  11 (RRQueryOutputProperty)
  Serial number of failed request:  29
  Current serial number in output stream:  29

which seems to be a catch-all for unrecognized commands :/

Generally, I would recommend skipping all of this and attempting to fix it through your TV's built-in options (generally called "just scan" mode or "pixel perfect" or something like that). The only time you should attempt to do it in software is when your TV is too crummy (like mine) and doesn't have any of those options.

UPDATE (5/20/2014): A helpful anonymous commentor explains the transform matrix thusly:
The transformation matrix seems pretty straightforward to me:
It's just an affine 2D transform. Think of 1.05,0,-35,0,1.05,-19,0,0,1 as the following matrix:
|1.05 0 -35|
|0 1.05 -19|
|0   0      0 |
The upper two diagonal coefficients are scaling factors, i.e. in this case, the picture would be expanded by 5% horizontally and vertically. The last column is a translation vector, in this case causing the picture to be transformed by 35 pixels to the left and 19 pixels upwards (or downwards, depending on the coordinate system).
The last row needs to be (0, 0, 1), or combining two affine transforms will not work correctly. They are not relevant for the actual transformation.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Chicken Piccata with Mushrooms بيكاتا الدجاج بالمشروم

Chicken Piccata with Mushrooms بيكاتا الدجاج بالمشروم

Scroll down for English post
البيكاتا في الأساس هي طريقة طهي فيليه اللحم البقري بتتبيله ورشه بالدقيق ثم طهيه بالزبد وتقديمه بالصوص الخاص به، اليوم سأقدم لكم البيكاتا بشكل آخر وهو بيكاتا الدجاج مع المشروم والكابري أو القبار وهي طريقة البيكاتا المشهورة في والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية؛ هذا الطبق يعتبر عشاء لذيذ وراقي في وقت أقل من 30 دقيقة فقط.

الوصفة تكفــي: شخصين
وقت التحضير: 5 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: 20 دقيقة
Piccata is an Italian cooking method to cook veal by seasoning and flouring meat then pan fry using butter then serve with its sauce. I made mushroom chicken Piccata with capers which is the popular version of Piccata in America; it's a delicious, gourmet dinner in less than 30 minutes.

Serves: 2 people
Prep. Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mushroom Spanish Omelet سبانيش أومليت بالمشروم

Mushroom Spanish Omelet سبانيش أومليت بالمشروم

Scroll down for English post
الأومليت الأسباني في الأساس هو عبارة عن أومليت سميك من البيض والبطاطا أو البطاطس ويتم طهيه في زيت الزيتون، اليوم سأقدم لكم وصفة السبانيش أومليت ولكن بشكل آخر مع المشروم والزيتون وبعض المكونات الأخرى. كان زوجي في إحدى مهام العمل وتذوق هذا الطبق في أحد الفنادق وسأل عن الوصفة لأنه أحبه جداً وأخبرني بها لأقوم بإعدادها له على الإفطار من وقت لآخر، وها أنا أشارككم هذه الوصفة وأتمنى أن تعجبكم :)

نصيحة الوصفة:
لا تنسوا أن الوصفة تحتوي على زيتون مخلل لذا انتبهوا عند إضافة الملح.

الوصفة تكفــي: 2 إلى 3 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: 3 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: 10 دقائق
Basic Spanish omelette is a thick egg omelet made with potato and fried in olive oil, I will make today a different version of Spanish omelet with mushroom, olives and some other ingredients. My husband was on a business trip and had this dish for breakfast in a hotel and he liked so much that he asked for the recipe, since then he asked me to make it for breakfast from time to time, and here I am sharing it with you and I hope you like it :)

Recipe Tip:
Don't forget it has olives so be careful with the salt.

Serves: 2 to 3 people
Prep. Time: 3 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Monday, March 4, 2013

Best Chewy Gooey Cocoa Brownies ألذ براونيز بالكاكاو

Best Chewy Gooey Cocoa Brownies ألذ براونيز بالكاكاو

Scroll down for English post
ممم لم أنتهي من أكلها بعد، إنها لذيذة جداً وممتازة، إبنة خالتي جربت هذه الوصفة للبراونيز ومدحتها لي فقمت بتجربتها وبالفعل كما قالت تعتبر ألذ وصفة براونيز بالكاكاو فهي دبقة ومليئة بطعم الشوكولاتة اللذيذ. لمن لم يتذوقها من قبل البراونيز هي عبارة عن مربعات مخبوزة لها قوام ما بين الكيك والكوكيز أو بشكل آخر ممكن أن نقول أنها كيكة شوكولاتة لم ترتفع جيداً ولها قوام الفادج أو الشوكولاتة قليلاً وأحياناً قوام مثل الكيك، هيا بنا إلى ألذ وصفة للبراونيز بالكاكاو خطوة بخطوة بالصور. :)

نصيحة الوصفة:
1- لا تستخدموا كاكاو مضاف له سكر فكمية السكر المستخدمة هنا هي سر الوصفة والقوام الغني.
2- لا تقللوا مقدار السكر ظناً منكم أنه كثير، إنه المقدار المطلوب بالضبط لهذه الوصفة.
3- لا تتركوا البراونيز في الفرن أكثر من 35 دقيقة وإلا جفت أكثر من اللازم، أخرجوها من الفرن بمجرد نضجها.
4- الفرن الخاص بي درجة حرارته عالية ولأنني أعلم ذلك وضعت بعد 20 دقيقة صينية تحت صينية البراونيز حتى لا تحترق من أسفل قبل النضج، لذا كل منكم يتعامل مع الفرن الخاص به كما اعتاد عليه. :)

الوصفة تكفي: 16 قطعة براونيز تقريباً
وقت التحضير: 10 دقائق
وقت الخبز: 30 إلى 35 دقيقة
Nom nom! Still eating them right now! These cocoa brownies are so delicious, they are perfect! my cousin gave me this recipe that she tested for cocoa brownies, and WOW they were just as she said "best cocoa brownies ever" ;) these fudgy brownies are chewy gooey full of chocolate flavor. For those who haven't tasted it before Brownies are flat baked squares that has a texture that's between cake and cookies or more frankly like a chocolate cake that didn't rise well and has a fudgy texture and sometimes a cakey one, so here is the delicious recipe for the cocoa brownies step by step :)

Recipe Tips:
1- Don't use cocoa with sugar added, the amount of sugar we use here is the secret for this yummy texture.
2- Don't use less sugar thinking it's too much no it's exactly the right amount.
3- Don't leave it in the oven more than 35 minutes or it would dry, remove it from the oven once done.
4- My over is little hot than others and as I know that I placed a baking sheet under my brownies tray after 20 minutes, so it doesn't burn from the bottom before baked properly, so everyone

Serves: about 16 squares/brownies
Prep. Time: 10 minutes
Baking Time: 30 to 35 minutes never more
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ful Nabet: Egyptian Fava Bean Soup شوربة الفول النابت

Ful Nabet: Egyptian Fava Bean Soup شوربة الفول النابت

Scroll down for English post
شوربة الفول النابت وصفة مصرية لذيذة، هذه الشوربة هي واحدة من أفضل الشوربات بالنسبة لي خاصة في الشتاء، كانت أمي تعدها لنا منذ الصغر وكنت من حبي لها آكلها بلا توقف إلى أن
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Cari Farmasi

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