Hot FM - Lebih Hangat Daripada Biasa Presented in Malay, HOT FM's primarily targets the "Young Malaysian" market of 15-30 years of age. The station's identity is a direct result of in-depth research and HOT FM denotes its hot, funky and energetic attributes. With the theme "Lebih Hangat Dari Biasa" HOT FM seeks to bring a refreshing alternative to the radio scene as well as line-up of popular and experienced radio personalities.
Monday, February 1, 2016
Hot FM Online
Hot FM - Lebih Hangat Daripada Biasa Presented in Malay, HOT FM's primarily targets the "Young Malaysian" market of 15-30 years of age. The station's identity is a direct result of in-depth research and HOT FM denotes its hot, funky and energetic attributes. With the theme "Lebih Hangat Dari Biasa" HOT FM seeks to bring a refreshing alternative to the radio scene as well as line-up of popular and experienced radio personalities.
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