Saturday, November 30, 2013

Caramel Walnut Date Cake كيك التمر بالكراميل والجوز

Caramel Walnut Date Cake كيك التمر بالكراميل والجوز

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أول مرة قررت تجهيز كيك التمر كنت مترددة لوجود العديد من الوصفات ولا أعلم أي واحدة ستنجح خاصة أنني لا أريد أن أفشل باستخدام كمية كبيرة من التمر الثمين لأنني أحبه، وبعد البحث والتجربة والاختبار كانت هذه الوصفة لكيك التمر مع صوص الكراميل (التوفي) وعين الجمل (الجوز) هي ألذ وأضمن وصفة، أحبها كل من جربها من يدي والحمد لله، كيك هش جداً ولذيذ كما أنه مغذي. أتمنى أن تعجبكم أيضاً جربوها ولن تندموا :)
نصيحة الوصفة:
1- يجب الاحتراس وعدم وجود أطفال بالمطبخ عند تحضير صوص الكراميل لأنه يحتاج تركيز كما يمكن أن تتأذوا من السكر المغلي.
2- لا يقلب السكر عند إذابته لعمل الصوص لأن ذلك يجعله يُكوِّن حبيبات بالكراميل.
3- لضمان نجاح الكيك يجب أن تكون جميع مكوناته مثل البيض والزبد والدقيق في درجة حرارة الغرفة.
4- لا نضرب الكيك كثيراً بعد إضافة الدقيق حتى لا يصبح مكتوم، فقط إلى أن تختلط المكونات ليس أكثر.

الوصفة تكفــي: حتى 6 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: 15 دقيقة
وقت الخبـــــز: 40 دقيقة

First time I decided to make date cake I was very hesitated, because there were many recipes for it and I do not know which one will succeed , especially that I do not want to fail while using a large amount of precious dates that I love, and after research, testing, and baking, I finally made the guaranteed, successful and delicious caramel & walnut glazed date cake recipe, that everyone who tasted from me really loved it which made me very happy to share it with you now. :)The cake is very fluffy, delicious and nutritious. I guarantee this recipe so try it and you'll never regret :)
Recipe tips :
1 - You must be careful while making caramel sauce (hot sugar injuries), and no children in the kitchen because it needs concentration especially while adding cream to hot sugar.
2 - Do not stir the sugar while melting to avoid granules in caramel sauce.
3- For a successful cake all ingredients like eggs, flour, or butter should be at room temperature.
4- Don't over mix the cake after adding four, just till combined not more.

Serves : up to 6 people
Prep. time : 15 minutes
Baking time : 40 minutes
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Friday, November 29, 2013

Live Streaming Maharaja Lawak Mega 2014

Maharaja Lawak Mega 2014 kembali lagi !!! Saksikan persaingan yang amat sengit di kalangan pelawak-pelawak dan pelakon komedi profesional terbaik yang mana setiap peserta yang bertanding masing-masing mempunyai portfolio seni yang mengagumkan dalam bidang ini.


credit to BPTV

Monday, November 25, 2013

Baked Chicken Bulgur Kofta كفتة الدجاج والبرغل بالفرن

Baked Chicken Bulgur Kofta كفتة الدجاج والبرغل بالفرن

Scroll down for English post
وصفة اليوم لذيذة، سهلة وغير مكلفة، كفتة الدجاج بالبرغل بالفرن. أردت عمل وجبة لطفلتي تحتوي على الدجاج ولكنها لا تفضل الدجاج المطبوخ الكامل فأحببت عمل وصفة بدجاج مفروم، لذا فكرت أن أجرب هذا وذاك لأتوصل لطعام لذيذ وصحي في نفس الوقت، فابتكرت هذه الوصفة ونجحت الحمد لله وكنت سعيدة أنها أعجبت طفلتي :)

نصيحة الوصفة:
حتى لا تجف لا تتركوها كثيراً بالفرن ولا تستخدموا الكثير من الدقيق عند التشكيل.

الوصفة تكفــي: 2 إلى 3 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: 5 دقائق
وقت الخبـــــز: 15 إلى 20 دقيقة تقريباً

Today's recipe is delicious, easy, and not expensive; baked chicken and bulgur Kofta. I came up with this recipe when I wanted to make a meal that contains chicken to my 18 months daughter, I wanted to use ground chicken as she is not a fan of cooked whole chicken, so I thought I could mix and match to make something healthy and delicious, and I came up with this one that succeeded and I was very happy that my toddler loved it :)

Recipe tip:
To avoid dry Kofta, don't over bake and don't use too much flour when shaping.

Serves: 2 to 3 people
Prep. Time: 5 minutes
Baking Time: 15 to 20 minutes approx.

Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Friday, November 15, 2013

Turkish Pizza "Lahmacun" لحم معجون

Turkish Pizza "Lahmacun" لحم معجون

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لحم معجون أو لحم بعجين هي بيتزا تركية باللحم المفروم، ما يميزها هو طعمها اللذيذ والسُمك الرفيع للعجين، يتم أولاً عجن العجين الخاص بها ومن ثم يتم تحضير اللحم نيء وينضج مع العجين بالفرن بسهولة لرقة العجين والحشوة. تقدم البيتزا التركية أحياناً مع الليمون أو بدون وعند الأكل تلف مثل لفائف السندويتشات. تابعوا معي الوصفة اللذيذة :)
الوصفة تكفــي: 7 لحم معجون متوسط الحجم
وقت التحضير: 40 دقيقة تقريباً
وقت الخبـــــز: 10 إلى 15 دقيقة
Lahmacun is a Turkish pizza with ground beef, what's unique about it is the delicious taste and the really thin crust. First we make the dough, then we prepare a raw ground beef topping and it's cooked with the dough in the oven due to the thin crust. It's served with or without lemon, and when you eat it you roll it like sandwich rolls. Follow the delicious recipe below :)
Serves: 7 medium Lahmacuns
Prep. time: 40 min. approx.
Baking time: 10 to 15 min.

Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ulangan Lee Chong Wei VS Lin Dan China Superseries 2015

Video Penuh Lee Chong Wei VS Lin Dan. Lee Chong Wei menang 17-21, 21-19, 21-19

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Astro Oasis Live Streaming

Astro Oasis merupakan saluran di Astro yang menampilkan gaya hidup keluarga untuk memenuhi citarasa penonton dari pelbagai usia yang tampil untuk menyajikan pengisian untuk santapan minda dan sanubari masyarakat. Astro Oasis turut memilih Heliza dan Mawi sebagai ikon saluran tersebut bersesuaian dengan konsep programnya yang berteraskan program ilmiah, maklumat, drama, dokumentari dan juga hiburan.

Credit to

Friday, November 8, 2013

AT LP120-USB Turntable Mod

I got a sweet deal on an Audio Technica LP120-USB turntable from Essex, a place that sells factory rejects, refurbs, and other "almost new" products at a steep discount. The dust cover was busted up*, so I assumed that was why it was there. Unfortunately, it also exhibited some infuriating behavior whereby the left channel would randomly cut out, though I didn't discover this until much later. :(

I suspected the internal preamp was the most likely culprit, so I followed this tutorial describing how to bypass the preamp entirely and push the untouched phono signal straight out to the RCA cables (which I may replace with jacks soon, instead). Honestly, there's not much too it. You just cut out the board and splice up the RCA cables directly to the red/white/ground wires.
The removed preamp board.

I was pleasantly surprised when, in addition to fixing my channel dropout problem, the sound quality seems considerably better in the high frequency range. This improvement is why most people do the mod in the first place, and the above link contains some pre-mod and post-mod recordings to help potential modders decide if the improvement is worth their time and effort. I could not distinguish between the two recordings in ABX testing, but the difference in person is easily noticeable. For example, the natural crackles and pops on the records were very subtle and difficult to hear pre-mod but are easily audible post-mod. This may not sound like a particularly positive development, but it's unsettling to think that I was losing that much sound off the top before.

*I was able to piece everything back together with some super glue, but you can also purchase them new from Audio Technica (you can email their customer service) for around $30.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Cream Caramel Cake كيك الكريم كراميل - قدرة قادر

Cream Caramel Cake كيك الكريم كراميل - قدرة قادر

Scroll down for English post
هذه أنجح طريقة لعمل كيك الكريم كراميل. هي من وصفات الحلو المحببة إلى نفسي، هي عبارة عن كيك من طبقتين طبقة كيك فانيليا أو شوكولاتة وطبقة فوقها عبارة عن كريم كراميل، أُطلق عليها اسم قدرة قادرة لأنه يتم إضافة خليطي الكيك والكريم كراميل بنفس صينية الخبز دون أن يختلطوا وينقسموا لطبقتين وذلك نتيجة اختلاف الكثافة. المحبب فيها هو طعمها الرائع الذي يجمع بين قوام الكريم كراميل الذي يطوب في الفم مع قوام الكيك الهش اللذيذ مع صوص الكراميل مما يجعلها لا تحتاج إلى أي إضافات وتقدم دون الحاجة لعمل صوص إضافي أو تزيين! قمت بتجربة العديد من الوصفات والتعديل عليها إلى أن وصلت لأنجح وصفة وأرجو أن تجربوها وتنال إعجابكم.

Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Quark Shaders for Higan/bsnes v093+

As of v093, Higan (previously known as bsnes) includes a new shader format based on OpenGL 3.3 / GLSL 1.5. This format is nice, powerful and roughly as flexible as RetroArch's Cg support. Hyllian, aliaspider and I set to work converting many of the most popular shaders to the new format, available from the Quark Shader Github repo.

If you're not familiar with git, you can download the full repo by clicking on the 'Download ZIP' button in the right-hand margin.

To use these shaders, place the entire *.shader directory into your Video Shaders directory. One caveat: the handful of shaders that utilize motion blur won't work with v093, but should be functional with v094+.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Watch Gridiron Gang (2006) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyGridiron Gang a good movie about football and opportunities. The story is good and it sends a great message. Dwayne Johnson did a good job in this movie. It's from the best sport films that I saw in recent years. It shows how sport can change life. It's an absolutely great movie to watch. Enjoy.

How to watch Gridiron Gang For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Gridiron Gang (2006) full movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Gridiron Gang 2006 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

Watch Speed 2 Cruise Control (1997) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeySpeed 2: Cruise Control (1997) a pretty good action movie. It's not as good as Speed 1 but Jason Patric did well replacing Keanu Reeves. I still rate Keanu Reeves more though, he did superb in speed 1. It's still a solid action film. Actresses and Actors did a good job but you can't compare it to original film which was one of the best action movies I have seen.

How to watch Speed 2 Cruise Control For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Speed 2 Cruise Control (1997) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Speed 2 Cruise Control 1997 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

Enjoy watching and Don't forget to leave a comment to let others know that video is working fine.

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