Happy New Year 2011, wish you all happiness and success this year, another year with blogging, hope you enjoy it, thanks for all supporters and followers and fans, wish me luck ;)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Egyptian "Ful Medames" & Baba Ganoush طريقة عمل فول مدمس مع بابا غنوج
Scroll down for English post
هل ذهبت إلى مصر من قبل؟ إذا كانت الإجابة لا فسوف تتعرف اليوم على أحد أطباقها الشهيرة، وإذا كانت الإجابة نعم فبالتأكيد أنت تعرف الإفطار الأكثر شعبية في مصر وهو "الفول والطعمية" لطعمه اللذيذ وانتشاره ولما له من فائدة كبيرة، واليوم سوف نتكلم عن الفول وطريقة عمله، والفول المصري له العديد من الطرق والوصفات ولكنني استخدمت اليوم أبسط وصفة لأنها الأروع مع البابا غنوج. الفول هو أحد من البقوليات والذي يتم طهيه لمدة طويلة في إناء خاص بالفول تحديداً، وهو عبارة عن إناء متسع من أسفل ويضيق عند فوهته، وذلك لأن الفول عندما يكون ساخن ويكشف الغطاء عنه يتحول الفول المعرض للهواء إلى اللون الأسود ويجف وبالتالي فالفوهة الضيقة تقلل من نسبة الفول المعرضة للهواء.
بالإضافة إلى الفول سنتكلم عن بابا غنوج وهو أيضاً من الأطباق المصرية المفضلة التي تؤكل مع الفول أو مع السمك المشوي والمشويات عموماً أو كنوع من المقبِّلات على الغداء أو العشاء، المكون الأساسي في عمله هو الباذنجان المشوي، وهو فاتح للشهية بشكل كبير.
نصيحة الوصفة:
1- يجب ألا يستخدم الخلاط في خلط مكونات بابا غنوج فهو يغير طعم بابا غنوج ويخرج الماء من الباذنجان، أما الهاون أفضل بكثير من حيث الطعم والقوام.
2- بدلاً من استخدام الفول الجاهز يمكن طهي الفول بالمنزل عن طريق استخدام الإناء المذكور إذا كان متاح لمدة الليل كله على نار هادئة، وإذا احتاج ماء يضاف له ماء ساخن وليس بارد حتى لا يجف، ويمكن إضافة حبة طماطم صغيرة وفص ثوم وقبضة عدس لإعطائه طعم جيد وأيضاً لأن الطماطم تساعد على طهي قشر البقوليات بشكل جيد.
توصية: هذا الطبق رائع مع البيض المسلوق.
الأكلة تكفـــــي: شخصين
وقت التحضير: 3 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: 40 دقيقة
Have you ever been to Egypt? If the answer is NO, then you will know one of its most popular dishes in it, and if the answer is YES, that means you know the most popular breakfast for sure, which is "Ful & Falafel", it's known for its delicious taste and nutritional value, today you will know how to make it, Egyptian "Ful" or beans has many ways to be done with, but I'm going to show you the simplest one because it's the best with "Baba Ganoush". Egyptian beans is a legume which is cooked for a long time in a special beans pot which is wide in the bottom and so narrow in the top of it, and that's because when the beans are uncovered to the air it becomes black and dry and not well cooked, so that special pot minimize the amount of beans on top. In addition to beans, I will talk about Baba Ghanoush which is also a famous Egyptian dish, it's usually been eaten with Egyptian beans or Egyptian roasted fish "Samak Mashwy" and grilled meat in general, or as an appetizer at lunch or dinner, the main ingredient in Baba Ganoush is roasted eggplant, and it's really appetizing.
Recipe Tips:
1 - You must not use a blender or food processor to mix Baba Ganoush ingredients, It causes changes in the taste of Baba ghanoush and get the water out of the eggplant, while using the mortar and pestle gives it a really good taste and texture.
2 - Instead of using canned beans, you can cook your own at home if you have the special pot, beans are cooked over night with the same amount of water on low heat, and if it needs water only hot water could be added to not get dried, you can also add a tomato, garlic, and 1 tbsp of lentil to enhance flavor and also because tomato helps to cook beans well.
Recommendation: This dish is wonderful with boiled eggs.
Serves: 2 people
Prep. time: 3 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Strawberry Jam Heart-Shaped Pancakes بان كيك القلوب بمربى الفراولة
هذا الطبق هو المفضل إلىّ على الإطلاق كطبق حلو أو إفطار وهو مناسب جداً للعشاء الرومانسي أو المناسبات الخاصة. البانكيك هو نوع من الكيك الرقيق يتم تحضيره مزيج مخفوق على مقلاة أو شواية، وهو عبارة عن كيك سريع التحضير بالمقلاة أو الجريدل، البعض يستخدم الخميرة في عمله أو خليط مخمر، ويتم طبخه على جهة واحدة ثم يقلب لينضج على الوجه الآخر، ويمكن تقديمه في أي وقت حسب تقاليد كل دولة بحشوات مختلفة مثل المربى أو قطع الشوكولاتة أو الفاكهة أو اللشراب أو حتى اللحم.
في انجلترا الثلاث مكونات الرئيسية لهذه الوصفة هم الدقيق والبيض واللبن، ويكون الخليط أخف من العسل ويشكل طبقة رقيقة في قاع المقلاة، وربما يكون بعض الفقاقيع أثناء النضج ولكنه لا يرتفع وهو أشبه بالكريب الفرنسي. أما في أمريكا الشمالية أحياناً يسمى بالهوت كيكس أو الكعكات الساخنة ويحتوي على عوامل رفع مثل البيكنج باودر، والبيض الذي يضرب كل من بياضه وصفاره على حدة، والدقيق واللبن الرائب، مكون بذلك خليط غليظ نوعاً ما. أما في الهند يطلق عليه أحياناً تشيلا أو بودا، ويمكن عمله هناك إما طبق حلو أو مالح، وله قوام متعدد الأشكال حسب المكان الذي يقدمه. أما في جنوب أفريقيا فيسمونه باناكوك باللغة الأفريقانية وهو عادة يقدم في أيام البرد والمطر مع سكر القرفة أو عصير الليمون، وأحياناً يتركوا السكر ليذوب في البانكيك أو يأكلونه فوراً وعندها يكون البانكيك مقرمش. أما في كينيا فيستخدمونه كالخبز في وجبة الإفطار مضاف له سكر إلى الخليط قبل طهيه.
نصيحة الوصفة:
1- يفضل استخدام مضرب اليد في خلط المكونات فهو يساعد على خلط الدقيق دون وجود تكتلات، ويمكن استخدام الخلاط الكهربائي حسب الرغبة.
2- يمكن إضافة الفانيليا(حسب الرغبة) إلى هذه الوصفة ولكنني لا أفضل ذلك فمقدار البيض غير ظاهر للدرجة وأفضل طعمها أكثر بدون فانيليا.
3- استخدمت قالب على شكل قلب خاص بالبانكيك، يمكن عملها بدون قوالب.
4- عند إضافة الخليط للقوالب يفضل أن يكون الخليط للمنتصف حتى لا يفور خارج القالب.
5- إذا خرج بعض الخليط من القالب فلا مشكلة يمكن التخلص من البواقي حوله عندما يُطهى الجزء السفلي للبان كيك.
6- من الأفضل استخدام قوالب غير قابلة للالتصاق أو دهن القوالب بالزبد.
*كيف أقوم بعمل بان كيك على شكل قلوب وليس عندي القوالب الخاصة؟!
- إذا لم يكن لديكم قوالب القلوب المستخدمة هنا يمكنكم بسهولة قطعها بعد طهيها بعمل الآتي:
1- نرسم قلب على ورقة زبدة.
2- نقص ورقة الزبدة بالمقص على شكل الرسمة.
3- نضع ورقة الزبدة فوق البانكيك الناضج ويتم قطعه على شكلها. :)
الوصفة تكفي: خمس طبقات من البانكيك.
مدة التحضير: 3 دقائق
مدة الطهــــي: 10 دقائق
This recipe is my favorite for breakfast or dessert, also it's so suitable for romantic dinners or special occasions. A pancake is a thin, flat cake prepared from a batter and cooked on a hot griddle or frying pan. Most pancakes are quick breads; some use a yeast-raised or fermented batter. Most pancakes are cooked one side on a griddle and flipped part way through to cook the other side. Depending on the region, pancakes may be served at any time, with a variety of toppings or fillings including jam, chocolate chips, fruit, syrup or even meat.
English pancakes have three key ingredients: plain flour, eggs, and milk. The batter is runny and forms a thin layer on the bottom of the frying pan when the pan is tilted. It may form some bubbles during cooking, which results in a pale pancake with dark spots where the bubbles were, but the pancake does not rise. English pancakes are similar to French crêpes. American pancakes (sometimes called hotcakes) are pancakes which contain a raising agent such as baking powder; proportions of eggs, flour, and milk or buttermilk create a thick batter. In India the Pooda (sometimes called Cheela) is a pancake. They can be made either sweet or salty and are of different thicknesses in different places. In South Africa pancakes refer to crepes, they are traditionally prepared by the Afrikaans community on gas stoves, and called a pannekoek in Afrikaans, eaten on wet and cold days. Pannekoek are served with cinnamon-flavored sugar (and sometimes lemon juice), the sugar may be left to dissolve onto the pancake, if eaten immediately the pancake is crispy. In Kenya pancakes are eaten for breakfast as an alternative to bread. They are served plain with the sugar already added to the batter to sweeten them.
Recipe tips:
1- It's better to use a whisk to mix ingredients, it helps mixing the flour will with milk, you can also use food processor.
2- You can add vanilla as you like, I just find it better without it so I didn't add it.
3- I used heart mold, you can make pancakes without it.
4- When placing the batter inside the mold make sure you add half of it so it doesn't go out of it.
5- If the batter leak outside the mold it's OK you can remove it after cooked on one side.
6- It's better to use non stick molds, or else you can grease them with butter.
*How can I make heart shaped pancakes without a mold?!
- If you don't have these molds you can cut it heart shape after cooking:
1- Draw a heart on a parchment paper.
2- Cut the paper with scissors .
3- Put it on the cooked pancakes and cut them :)
Makes: 5 pancakes
Prep. time: 3 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
CRT Pixel Shader Filter for SNES Emulation
Update 05/18/2011: More screenshots for more new filters in my new post. :-)
CRT.OpenGL.shader and CRT-flat.OpenGL.shader are similar to the shader covered in this post, though they run slightly faster and have no visible artifacts. CRT-simple.OpenGL.shader is a simplified rewrite that should be usable on much older, slower machines.
Here is the original post for informational purposes:
Here is the original post for informational purposes:
This post covers the use of filters to upscale pixel art--specifically as it applies to SNES emulation--with special attention to CRT reproduction. If you just want the pictures and to download the filters, skip to the bottom of the post.
As everyone who dabbles in old-school emulation knows, artwork that was intended for a 480i CRT television that has been upscaled to an HD resolution looks like absolute garbage on an LCD monitor. The chunky sprites with their often thick, cartoony outlines just weren't designed to be reproduced with sharp edges resulting from nearest-neighbor upscaling.
To get around this ugly upscaling effect, many emulators now include upscaling interpolation filters, which apply complex mathematical algorithms to the original picture to fill in the gaps between things that are impossible to represent in chunky low-res, such as curves and smooth diagonal lines. You're probably familiar with some of the more common and popular interpolating filters, such as SuperEagle, SuperSaI and HQ2x. Unfortunately, none of these filters gets everything quite right, especially numbers and letters, which can look bubbly or overly smoothed (you can learn more about pixel art scaling algorithms here).
Purists have long been turned off by the inaccuracies of interpolating filters and have instead used scanline masks to try and capture the effect of an interlaced display, relying on the human brain's natural ability to recognize patterns and fill in the gaps between lines (you can learn everything you ever wanted to know about scanlines here). However, this too falls short from a true representation of a CRT display, as it ignores the existence of phosphors--the tiny red-, green- and blue-colored lenses that the electron gun in the back of a CRT tube shoots with a beam of electrons to recreate a colored pixel--and the color bleed that naturally occurs in these displays.
Recently, a number of determined individuals have set out to try and capture all of the different effects of a CRT display, warts and all, to truly reproduce classic pixel art the way it was meant to be viewed.
The Comparisons:
(Each of these images is presented as it would be displayed onscreen, at a resolution of approximately 800x600, then again at 400% scale without any interpolation used when scaling; as always, click the thumbnail to embiggen)
First, we should look at the baseline. This was scaled up to size using nearest-neighbor and is otherwise untouched:
Next, we'll add blargg's NTSC filter, which emulates the noise and color bleed of an NTSC video signal (this filter has several presets; I will only be showing the RGB preset, which reproduces the look of an SNES hooked up via RGB connection [not available in the U.S.], and the RF preset, which reproduces the look of the SNES RF modulator attachment, respectively):
As a note, blargg's NTSC filter is so accurate that byuu, the author of bsnes, recommends its use along with bsnes' accuracy profile to achieve proper blending on games that use halftones to simulate transparency (Jurassic Park and Kirby's Dreamland, for example).
Next up, we'll look at cgwg's CRT shader, which includes a phosphor mask and barrel distortion to simulate the screen curvature of a CRT television (just look at those RGB phophors!):
Similarly, there is a version of cgwg's CRT shader, which doesn't include the barrel distortion and represents an idealized flat CRT (actual flat CRTs tended to have slight blurring at the edges where the tube curvature would normally be). Incidentally, this version also has no visible garbage pixels (the occasional black specs that are visible in the curved version):
Pixel Shaders vs. Software Filters
cgwg's CRT shader is a special kind of filter known as a pixel shader. Unlike regular filters, which rely on the CPU to do all of the complex upscaling calculations, pixel shaders draw on the awesome computing power of the video card to do the calculations, thereby leaving the CPU to focus on emulating the SNES. Additionally, since the pixel shader is calculated separately from the filter in bsnes, you can stack blargg's NTSC filter with cgwg's CRT shader:
Finally, for non-purists, we'll look at the combination of cgwg's CRT shader with the popular SuperSaI filter, which creates a pleasing--though not quite as accurate--output:
As amazing as cgwg's CRT shader is already, there is still some room for improvement. For example, the current implementation misses the intensity-based bloom effect on individual phosphors that can be seen in a true CRT. DOLLS (J) [!], one of the contributors to the CRT reproduction effort, intends to write a more complete CRT emulation shader in the future that will incorporate these and other idiosyncracies.
Click here to download cgwg's CRT shader (Also includes the 'flat' version for those who don't like the tube-style curvature; UPDATE: fixed dead link), which is compatible with bsnes and the newest release of snes9x. For more information on CRT emulation, you can check out this highly informative thread on the bsnes forum. For other bsnes-compatible shaders that are not included with the official download, check out my mediafire account.
UPDATE (3/4/2011): Themaister did a rewrite of the flat version of cgwg's CRT shader, moving many of the calculations from fragment to vertex, which provides a substantial ~20% increase in speed (making it usable on many older and less powerful video cards). This rewrite also appears to conform more rigidly to the GLSL shader spec, making it compatible with more cards from different vendors. I have labeled it v4 of cgwg's CRT Flat, and it is available in the aforemented mediafire account.
UPDATE (3/4/2011): Themaister did a rewrite of the flat version of cgwg's CRT shader, moving many of the calculations from fragment to vertex, which provides a substantial ~20% increase in speed (making it usable on many older and less powerful video cards). This rewrite also appears to conform more rigidly to the GLSL shader spec, making it compatible with more cards from different vendors. I have labeled it v4 of cgwg's CRT Flat, and it is available in the aforemented mediafire account.
Friday, December 24, 2010
bsnes Phoenix GUI Filter Changes
Byuu has added support for binary filters in his Phoenix GUI as of v073, so we can finally use cgwg's CRT Curved shader in conjunction with blargg's NTSC filter! These binary filters are loaded just like shaders, i.e., via a dialog box in the video options.
You can download the available filters, compiled for 64-bit Linux, here or compiled for 32-bit here. These filters do not appear to work on Windows systems.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Bsnes Special Chips Dumped
Update (4/08/12): All of the special chips have been dumped and emulated. You can download all of the images here. The archive contains images for use with bsnes versions v086 and earlier, as well as images for bsnes v087 and later.
Update (6/28/11): Another chip dumped and emulated! This time, the Cx4 chip (cx4.bin), which is used in Mega Man X2 and X3. The contents of this chip were really just math tables--naturally occurring relationships between numbers--and hence not protected by copyright, so byuu felt comfortable hosting the image on his own site. You can download it here (I'll also mirror it in my mediafire in case byuu's copy disappears for whatever reason).
Update (6/28/11): Another chip dumped and emulated! This time, the Cx4 chip (cx4.bin), which is used in Mega Man X2 and X3. The contents of this chip were really just math tables--naturally occurring relationships between numbers--and hence not protected by copyright, so byuu felt comfortable hosting the image on his own site. You can download it here (I'll also mirror it in my mediafire in case byuu's copy disappears for whatever reason).
Update (12/23/10): All DSP chips have been decapped and dumped. Click here to download the complete, unpadded (as per byuu's preference) set. Furthermore, thanks to the donations of several generous enthusiasts (and a particularly generous contribution from Mr. Krawczyk), all special chips have been paid for. Now, we wait for Dr. Decapitator and byuu to do their thing. ;)
Update (12/21/10): W00t! The DSP chips are all paid for and the decapping and emulation process has already begun. Click here to download a copy of the dsp3.bin file, which enables perfect emulation of the previously unplayable SD Gundam GX (J)!
While many individuals may think that emulating the SNES is long-since perfected, the truth of the matter is that a number of special auxiliary chips were never properly emulated and instead were approximated using what is known as High Level Emulation, or HLE.
To implement HLE, someone monitors what goes into a chip and then monitors what comes out in an attempt to infer the way the chip works. Using this strategy over the course of several years, 4 emulation heavy-hitters were able to deduce much of how these special chips work. However, they were never able to figure out any timing information, so to paraphrase bsnes author byuu, the chips were treated as magical black boxes that instantly convert input to output.
This is just beginning to change, though. Thanks to donations from emulation enthusiasts, renowned chip decapper Dr. Decapitator was able to shave down to the guts of the DSP-1B chip and see exactly what's going on inside. This breakthrough will eventually lead to the squashing of several bugs and will enable near-perfect emulation of both Super Mario Kart and Pilotwings.
However, to run any games that require the DSP-1B chip, you will now need to put a copy of the dumped image into the same directory as the game ROM image. Click here to download a copy of the dsp1b.bin file.
As awesome as this is, there are still a number of chips that need to be decapped (you can read all about it here) and byuu is running a collection to get things started in this thread. If you would like to contribute, visit byuu's official donations page. It's your chance to be a part of SNES emulation history.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sausage & Olives Fettuccine فيتوتشيني بالسوسيس والزيتون
Scroll down for English post
هذه الوصفة تعتبر من أسهل وأسرع الوصفات التي يمكن تحضيرها بالمنزل، حيث لا يحتاج تحضيرها أكثر من 15 إلى 18 دقيقة فقط، بالطبع الكل يعلم أنني مدمنة مكرونة فأتمنى أن تعجبكم أطباق المكرونة الخاصة بي وخاصة هذا الطبق.
وقت التحضير: 3 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: 15 دقيقة
الوصفة تكفــي: شخصين
This recipe is one of the easiest and quickest homemade recipes, it doesn't take more than 15 to 18 minutes to be done, as you all know I'm a pasta addict, so hope you all enjoy my pasta dishes specially this one.Preparing time: 3 minutes.
Cooking time: 15 minutes.
Serves: 2 people
First Impressions of Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal
I decided to try out the latest build of Ubuntu's next future release, version 11.04 Natty Narwhal, in a VirtualBox VM. I downloaded a pre-alpha daily build and so far have been impressed with the stability and ease of installation.
As with Maverick, the installer is clean, polished and easy, and continues the trend of asking most of the configuration questions once the actual installation process has started to save time. You also have the opportunity to install third party programs, such as Fluendo's MP3 codec, at the time of installation, which is nice.
At this point, I don't think they've switched over to the proposed Unity interface by default, so I can't say whether I'll have a better experience with it now than I did on my netbook a few months back, but I'll update this post with more information as soon as I have it.
As for its performance in a VM environment, everything is stable and the VBox Guest Additions installed just fine, imparting mouse pointer integration and support for arbitrary resolutions. The only thing lacking is 3D acceleration within the VM, but I assume this will be supported at a later date.
Overall, the experience is not significantly different from that of 10.10 Maverick so far, but I expect things to change rapidly in the near future. I'll keep this post updated with any changes I find.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Béchamel Lasagna لازانيا بالبشاميل
Scroll down for English post
لازانيا بالبشاميل هي وصفتي لليوم، وهي مستوحاه من الأكلة المصرية (صينية المكرونة بالبشاميل) ولكن مع تغيير نوع المكرونة حيث استخدمت هنا اللازانيا بدلاً من المكرونة القلم، إذن يمكنكم عمل الوصفة بنوع المكرونة المفضل لديكم، كانت جدتي تقوم بعمل هذه الوصفة أحياناً بالاسباجيتي، وهذا الصنف يعتبر من الأطباق الرئيسية الشهيرة في مصر خصوصاً في المناسبات أو العزومات، يطلق على هذا الطبق في اليونان اسم "باستاتسيو" أو باستاتشيو" وهو عبارة عن طبقة من المكرونة القلم وطبقة من اللحم المفروم المطهي ثم طبقة أخرى من المكرونة ثم طبقة البشاميل، بعض الناس أحياناً يفضلون إضافة جبنتهم المفضلة مبشورة على الوجه. هيا بنا نرى هذه الوصفة بمكرونة اللازانيا أتمنى أن تعجبكم.
نصيحة الوصفة:
1- اللازانيا نوع رقيق جداً من المكرونة يمكن أن تنقطع بسهولة عند طهيها، أيضاً يمكن أن تلتصق شرائح اللازانيا ببعضها بسهولة، لذا يجب مراعاة ذلك والتعامل معها بحرص خصوصا عند إخراجها من ماء الطهي.
2- لنتيجة أفضل للبشاميل يجب استخدام المضرب اليدوي بدلاً من الملعقة في خلط مكوناته على النار.
3- اللحم المفروم لا يأخذ الكثير من الوقت للنضج، لذا يحب متابعته.
4- يفضل تحضير البشاميل بعد الانتهاء من تحضير المكرونة واللحم حتى لا يبرد ويتم وضعه في النهاية طازج ودافئ.
الوصفة تكفي: 4 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: 30 دقيقة
وقت الطهي: 15 إلى 20 دقيقة
Bechamel lasagna is my recipe for today, I was inspired when making it by the Egyptian dish "Macaroni Bechamel" but the difference is that I used lasagna instead of penne pasta, so you can make this dish with your preferred pasta, my grandma used spaghetti sometimes in this dish. This dish is considered as one of the most popular main dishes in Egypt specially on occasions or when having a big lunch with friends or family, it's also known as "Pastitsio" or "Pastichio" in Greece, it is typically made with penne pasta, a layer of pasta, a layer of cooked ground beef, a layer of pasta and then a layer of bechamel sauce, some people prefer to sprinkle their preferred kind of cheese shredded on the top of it, let's go see the lasagna version.Tips:
1- Lasagna is so tender so be careful when you take it out of the water, also be careful because the slices can easily stick to each other so quickly.
2- For the best result while making bechamel use a whisk instead of a spatula or a spoon while mixing.
3- Ground beef doesn't take much time to cook so take care to not over cook.
4- It's better to prepare bechamel sauce after preparing lasagna and beef so you add it warm & fresh.
Serves: 4 people
Prep. time: 30 minutes.
Cook. time: 15 to 20 minutes.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Nutella Chocolate Crêpe كريب الشوكولاتة بنوتيللا
Scroll down for English post
هذه هي أول وصفة أضعها هنا من الأطباق الحلوة وهي من الوصفات المفضلة لدي من وصفات الشوكولاتة، الكريب هو عبارة عن بان كيك رقيق جداً ويستخدم في عمله دقيق القمح، وهو في الأصل طبق فرنسي من بلدة تسمى بريتاني بفرنسا. أسميته كريب الشوكولاتة بنوتيلا لأنني استخدمت النوتيلا في حشوه وأيضا أضفتها إلى خليط الكريب قبل طهيه.
نصيحة الوصفة:
1- عند وضع كمية الكريب في الطاسة يجب الانتباه إلى أن المقدار بالكاد يغطي الطاسة لينتج طبقة رفيعة لأن الكريب يتميز بأنه رفيع.
2- يجب متابعة الكريب أثناء الطهي حتى لا يحترق فهو لا يأخد وقت على الإطلاق وينضج بسرعة.
3- استخدام المضرب اليدوي أفضل كثيرا من استخدام ملعقة أو شوكة في مزج المقادير لأنه يمنع تكتل الدقيق ويمزجه جيداً مع باقي المقادير.
وقت التحضير: 3 دقائق
وقت الطهـــــي: 10 دقائق
المقادير تنتــــج: 3 كريب
This is my first dessert to add here, and it's one of my favorite chocolate desserts, Crepe is a very thin pancake, usually made from wheat flour, it originates from Brittany, France. I called this recipe Nutella chocolate crepe because I used Nutella to stuff it and also in the crepe batter.Tips:
1- When placing the mix in the pan make sure it's just enough to cover the pan, to make it thin (crepes are thin).
2- You have to watch the crepe to not burn it, it doesn't take time cooking.
3- Using a Whisk is much better than a spoon or fork, it helps mixing the flour well with the rest of ingredients.
Prep. time: 3 minutes.
Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Recipe makes: 3 Crepes
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Egyptian "Mahshy" (Stuffed Grape Leaves & Cabbage)
"Mahshy" is one of the most popular main dishes in Arabic countries like Egypt and Sirya, it's also known as "Dolma". "Mahshy" is an Arabic word means "stuffed" and it's called on some leaves like (cabbage, vine/grape leaves, lettuce leaves, or turnip leaves) or some vegetables like (tomatos, eggplant, zucchini, or bell pepper) stuffed with many kinds of stuffing different from country to another or from one person to another,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Chicken Stromboli & Marinara sauce سترومبولي الدجاج وصوص المارينارا
Scroll down for English post
وقت التحضير: 60 دقيقة (فترة تخمير العجين)
عدنا إليكم مرة أخرى ومعنا اليوم وصفة جديدة أتمنى أن تعجبكم، السترومبولي هو وصفة إيطالية عبارة عن عجينة الخبز الإيطالي وملفوفة كسندويتش على بعض المكونات أساسها البيبيروني، وهناك من حول هذه الوصفة إلى العديد من الأشكال والأنواع المختلفة كأن استبدلوا عجينة الخبز الإيطالي بعجينة البيتزا أو أي نوع من العجينة السريعة، وهناك من يضيف المكونات التي يرغبها. قمت اليوم بعمل هذه الوصفة بعجينتي الخاصة مع الدجاج بدلاً من البيبيروني.
أول مرة سمعت فيها عن هذا الطبق كنت أشاهد أحد البرامج التي تحكي قصة كفاح الشيف ماريو باتالي، وكان من ضمنها أنه بدأ في أحد المطاعم بعمل السترومبولي، مما جذبني لمعرفة ماهية هذا الطبق وكيف يتم إعداده وقمت على الفور بعمله وكانت أول مرة لي ناجحة وأعجب زوجي كثيراً، هو حقاً طبق شهي للغاية أتمنى أن تجربوه ويعجبكم.
نصيحة الوصفة:
1- يمكنكم استخدام المكونات التي ترغبون فيها كحشوة سترومبولي.
2- لأفضل عجين قوموا بالاستعانة بالمعلومات الموجودة هنا > نصائح لأفضل عجين
1- يمكنكم استخدام المكونات التي ترغبون فيها كحشوة سترومبولي.
2- لأفضل عجين قوموا بالاستعانة بالمعلومات الموجودة هنا > نصائح لأفضل عجين
وقت التحضير: 60 دقيقة (فترة تخمير العجين)
وقت الخبز: حولي 20 دقيقة
الوصفة تكفي: 4 أفراد
Back again with a new recipe that I hope you like. Stromboli is an Italian dish that is a folded Italian bread dough contains pepperoni, some people changed in the recipe by using pizza dough or different types of dough instead of Italian bread dough, also changed the ingredients that fill the dough, today I used my own dough and used chicken instead of pepperoni.First time I heard about this dish was while watching a TV show talking about Mario Batali's success story and that he started working in a restaurant cooking Stromboli, then I wanted to know more about this dish and how it's been cooked, and I made it right away, it was my first time and it was a great success and my husband loved it. It's really delicious I hope you try it and love it too.
1- You can use the available ingredients as you wish to fill the dough.
2- For the best dough you can follows the tips here > Tips for a perfect dough.
Prep. time: 60 minutes (depending on how long you proof the dough)
Baking time: 20 minutes.
Serves: 4 people
Friday, October 22, 2010
List of SF4 Materials and Attributes
This is just the start of the list, so hopefully I'll be able to add a lot more as time goes on. Everything will be formatted as:
HAKAN's Oiled body: SpcBumpBrushOilSSS_Shadow_UV1_W
HAKAN's Oiled clothes: SpcBumpBrushOilSSS_UV1_W
HAKAN's Oil: T1_C_Scroll_Emission_W
MAKOTO's body turning red: SpcBumpBrushSSS_Col_S_UV1_W
MAKOTO's face turning red: SpcBumpBrushSSS2_Col_UV1_W
EVIL RYU's body emission: SpcBumpBrushEmiMask0_UV1_W
ONI's body emission: SpcBumpBrushEmi_UV1_W
ONI's Right Arm emission: SpcBumpBrushEmi0_UV1_W
ONI's Left Arm emission: SpcBumpBrushEmi1_UV1_W
ONI's Right Leg emission: SpcBumpBrushEmi2_UV1_W
ONI's Left Leg emission: SpcBumpBrushEmi3_UV1_W
ONI's hair emission: SpcBumpBrushEmiAlphaConst_UV1_W
ONI's UC2: SpcBumpBrushEmiMaskConst_UV1_W
Material: Plain English
[Hex code]
Attribute: Plain English
[Hex code].
Akuma's eyes:
Material: Emission_W
[45 6D 69 73 73 69 6F 6E 5F 57 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00]
Attribute: Glare
[47 6C 61 72 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00]
Highly Reflective Metal Effect:
Material: SpcEnv_W or SpcEnvAlpha_W (for use with an alpha channel)
Attribute: ReflectCoeff
[52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 43 6F 65 66 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD CC CC 3E]
[52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 46 72 65 73 6E 65 6C 42 69 61 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 33 33 3F]
[52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 46 72 65 73 6E 65 6C 43 6F 65 66 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F]
Medium Reflective Metal Effect:
Material: SpcEnv_W or SpcEnvAlpha_W (for use with an alpha channel)
Attribute: ReflectCoeff
[52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 43 6F 65 66 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F]
[52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 46 72 65 73 6E 65 6C 42 69 61 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD CC CC 3D]
[52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 46 72 65 73 6E 65 6C 43 6F 65 66 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 40]
Minimal Reflective Metal Effect:
Material: SpcEnv_W or SpcEnvAlpha_W (for use with an alpha channel)
Attribute: ReflectCoeff
[52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 43 6F 65 66 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD CC 4C 3D]
[52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 46 72 65 73 6E 65 6C 42 69 61 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A D7 23 3C]
[52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 46 72 65 73 6E 65 6C 43 6F 65 66 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD CC CC 3D]
Works on any non-metal material:
Full Transparency (compatible with DXT5 or DXT1 w/ 1-bit alpha DDS)
Attribute: AlphaTest
[41 6C 70 68 61 74 65 73 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 96 00 00 00]
Semi Transparency (only compatible with DXT5 DDS)
Attribute: AlphaBlend
[41 6C 70 68 61 62 6C 65 6E 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00]
Attribute: AnimationChannel
[41 6E 69 6D 61 74 69 6F 6E 43 68 61 6E 6E 65 6C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 03 00 01 00]
Attribute: ZWriteMask
[5A 57 72 69 74 65 4D 61 73 6B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00]
Attribute: GlareCol(RGB)
[47 6C 61 72 65 43 6F 6C 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EC 51 78 3F 47 6C 61 72 65 43 6F 6C 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EC 51 78 3F 47 6C 61 72 65 43 6F 6C 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EC 51 78 3F 47 6C 61 72 65 43 6F 6C 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F]
Attribute: LowRes
[4C 6F 77 52 65 7A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00]
New Arcade Edition-only Materials (vfx-related)
HAKAN's Oiled body: SpcBumpBrushOilSSS_Shadow_UV1_W
HAKAN's Oiled clothes: SpcBumpBrushOilSSS_UV1_W
HAKAN's Oil: T1_C_Scroll_Emission_W
MAKOTO's body turning red: SpcBumpBrushSSS_Col_S_UV1_W
MAKOTO's face turning red: SpcBumpBrushSSS2_Col_UV1_W
EVIL RYU's body emission: SpcBumpBrushEmiMask0_UV1_W
ONI's body emission: SpcBumpBrushEmi_UV1_W
ONI's Right Arm emission: SpcBumpBrushEmi0_UV1_W
ONI's Left Arm emission: SpcBumpBrushEmi1_UV1_W
ONI's Right Leg emission: SpcBumpBrushEmi2_UV1_W
ONI's Left Leg emission: SpcBumpBrushEmi3_UV1_W
ONI's hair emission: SpcBumpBrushEmiAlphaConst_UV1_W
ONI's UC2: SpcBumpBrushEmiMaskConst_UV1_W
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Beginner's Guide to SF4 Skinning
There are several tutorials floating around for skinning in Street Fighter 4, namely those by Providenceangle and hornyyoshi, but they were both written fairly early on and have not been updated to reflect new, easier methods. So, here is a definitive guide to creating new skins in SF4:
1. Collecting the Tools
First and foremost, you'll need a painting program. Photoshop is obviously quite common but also very expensive. GIMP is a free alternative that works quite well (it's what I usually use) and you can download it free from here. This tutorial will mainly focus on Photoshop, but I'll include some info for GIMP when possible.
Next, you'll need a plugin for your paint program to allow you to open/modify DDS textures, which are used by SF4. For Photoshop, you can use Nvidia's free Photoshop plugin, available here. If you would rather use free software, GIMP has a DDS plugin available here. I'm not going to cover installing the plugins, but you should be able to find documentation at the respective sites.
You'll also want to download Nvidia's free Windows Texture Viewer tool, which will give you some valuable information about the DDS textures you will extract. You can download it here.
Finally, you'll need to download the latest version of piecemontee's Asset Explorer, which greatly simplifies the whole modding process, from decompressing files to identifying, viewing, extracting and injecting textures. It does it all and you can download it from here.
2. Some basic information
Vanilla SF4 uses two main files to control the appearance of a character:
A. The cos file (stands for costume), which is designated by the character's three-letter name abbreviation (ZGF for Zangief, RYU for Ryu, etc.), a number delineating which costume (01 for original, 02 for Capcom's alternate), the file extension (cos) and the compression container (emz). So, Zangief's original costume will be named ZGF_01.cos.emz.
B. The col file (stands for color), which is similarly designated by the character's three-letter name abbreviation, a number designating which cos file the color goes with (i.e., original costume or alternate), a number delineating which color slot the file occupies (one through ten), the file extension (col) and the compression container (again, emz). So, Zangief's first color for his original costume will be named ZGF_01_01.col.emz.
The cos files primarily contain the 3D model and other embedded files used by the engine to display the body that you see in-game. I won't cover editing any of these files here, but I wanted to mention it anyway.
For simple skinning, you will be entirely focused on the col files, which contain embedded texture files stored in DDS format (hence the need for a DDS plugin).
In AE, the *.emz containers are no longer used, so all of the component files are just sitting inside the character's directory. 3D models are stored in the ***.obj.emo file, while textures are stored in the ***.col.emb file.
3. Using piecemontee's Asset Explorer
The Asset Explorer is the cornerstone of the modding process and it takes the place of offzip, Dragon Unpacker and Infuser, all of which are difficult to use and can be scary for would-be modders.
So, just open up the Asset Explorer and drag a cos file and a corresponding col file which you wish to edit into its left-hand pane. In AE, you would drag over an ***.obj.emo model and a ***.col.emb texture file.
Now, expand the entries for the cos file until you see and entry that says #EMO (HND_01.obj.emo) (HND will be replaced with your character's three-letter abbreviation) and highlight it. As you can see, the program will then load the costume model, which will appear spooky and gray (this is the ambiant occlusion map; nothing to concern yourself with, but I thought I'd mention it for completeness):
To see the col textures applied to the model, use the pulldown menu in the middle of the window to select an option that displays 'texture' (the one at the bottom, 'Shadowed + Ink Shader + Texture + Normal Map' looks the closest to what you would see in-game):
Throughout the skinning process, you can use this to preview your work without loading up the entire SF4 program just to check a small detail.
4. Extracting Textures
Back in the left-hand pane of the Asset Explorer, expand the col file structure (and the entry labeled #EMB (HND_01_01.col.emb)) until you see one or more entries named 'DDS.' If you click on it, the preview window will change to display the texture file:
Once the desired DDS is selected, if you right-click on the DDS entry, you'll see a contextual menu with an option to 'Extract...' Choose it and you will be offered a chance to save the extracted texture as a standalone DDS file. This is what we'll be editing in our paint program and then re-injecting later, so I like to name it something that will tell me its position in the DDS order later, such as "ryu-bag-1.dds" or whatever. At this point, I also like to make a backup of the original DDS texture for future reference.
5. Painting Your Skin
When you open your extracted DDS texture(s) in your paint program, be it Photoshop or GIMP, it will bring up a dialog box asking you some questions. It's fine to skip loading MIP maps and to 'Load Using Default Sizes.'
I won't go over how to use the paint programs here (that's up to you to figure out), but some things to keep in mind:
A. Straight-up 'painted' textures usually look like crap. You're often better off using the hue/saturation tools to change the existing textures (there are obviously plenty of exceptions to this, so try things out and see what you like).
B. Some, though not all, textures include transparency, via what is known as an 'Alpha Channel.' I won't spend much time on it in this tutorial, but it is the cornerstone of another modding trick, known as 'col-based transparency.' I just wanted to mention it here so you're aware of it.
C. Since you'll be applying these textures to curved, irregular models, what looks like a straight line in Photoshop does not always look straight in-game. Frequently check your work in the Asset Explorer to ensure everything looks right and save yourself time and effort later.
6. Saving
Saving is a little more complex than hitting ctrl+S. After you name your file and choose its destination, a new dialog will pop up with a bunch of esoteric options:
We need our new texture to have exactly the same filesize as the original or the game will choke on it and crash. So, we'll want to 'Generate MIP maps' and make sure we select the correct DXT compression from the pulldown menu. Remember that backup I suggested at the end of Step 4? To find out which DXT compression to use, take your backup and open it with Nvidia's Windows Texture Viewer tool:
Along the bottom of the window, we can see the format, in this case, DXT5, so that's what we'll save our new texture as.
7. Injecting Your Texture Into the Col File
Now, back to the Asset Explorer. Navigate to the DDS textures and select the one you wish to replace. Right-click to bring up the contextual menu and, this time, choose 'Inject...' and browse to your new texture. If it complains about the filesize being incorrect, you have messed up something, probably in either resolution or one of the saving options, so go back and try to find your error. If not, you can click back on your model and see how it looks:
That's it. You've made your first skin. Congrats!
Once you feel comfortable with this process, you can move on to hex-editing the col file to create transparency effects or material swapping, making custom Normal Maps and directly editing the 3D mesh model.
"Kabsa" & Roasted Lamb Leg كبسة ريش الضأن مع فخذة الضأن المشوية
Scroll down for English post
أعلم أنه قد مر الكثير من الوقت على آخر مرة كتبت فيها أعذروني وأتمنى أن تستمتعوا دائماً بما أقدمه لكم، وصفة اليوم محبوبة للكثير من العرب، الكبسة هي وجبة من الوجبات التي تتكون أساساً من الأرز طويل الحبة وهي تقدم في دول الخليج، وتعد الوجبة الرئيسية في السعودية. غالباً ما تكون الكبسة مطهوة مع لحم الضأن أو الماعز أو مع الدجاج. وفي بعض البلدان الخليجية تسمى هذه الوجبة بالمكبوس وتطهى بالإضافة إلى ما سبق مع السمك أو الروبيان (الجمبري). ويوضع معها اللحم وسمن ومكسرات وزبيب، وتعتبر ألذ بلحم الضأن الصغير، هذه الوجبة تعتبر دسمة ومليئة بالدهون ولكنني اليوم قمت بالتقليل من الدهون بشكل كبير واستخدمت زيت الزيتون بدلا من السمن أيضاً، حتى تكون صحية أكثر ولا تسبب مشاكل بسبب كثرة الدهون بها، أحب هذه الوصفة كثيراً وأتمنى أن تحبوها مثلي.
نصيحة الوصفة:
1- لقد استخدمت هنا لحم خروف صغير لم يتعدى عمره 6 أشهر وهو حقاً رائع مع الكبسة، ولكن ربما لن تفضلونه إذا كان الخروف كبير (أكبر من سنة) فإذا لم يتوافر لحم الخروف الصغير يفضل استبداله بلحم بقر صغير أو حتى دجاج (في هذه الحالة نقلل الليمون والحبهان عند استخدام أي لحم غير الضأن).
2- تم استخدام توابل خاصة بالكبسة، إذا لم تتوافر يتم خلط الآتي لتكوين توابل الكبسة: مقدار من كل من (فلفل اسود مطحون - كاري - كركم - حبهان مطحون) ونصف المقدار من كل من (زنجبيل - كمون - كزبرة).
3- يمكن إضافة المكسرات المرغوب فيها إلى الكبسة ولكنني لم أضف هنا إلا الزبيب فقط.
وقت التحضير: 20 دقيقة + تتبيل الفخذة يحتاج ليلة كاملة ويمكن تتبيلها ليوم كامل
وقت الطهي: حوالي ساعة أو أكثر حسب اللحم المستخدم.
تكفي: 5 أشخاص
I know it's been a while since last post forgive me for that and I hope you always enjoy what present here, today's recipe is really lovable by Most Arabs (if it's not all of them), "Kabsa" is one the long grain rice dishes that are served mostly in in gulf countries, and it's considered as a popular dish in Saudi Arabia. "Kabsa" is usually cooked with lamb or deer or with chicken. "Kabsa" also is called "Makboos" in some gulf countries and sometimes they use fish or shrimps in it. This dish contains (meat - fat (Ghee) - nuts - raisins) and it's much better with small lamb meat. This dish is usually full of fat but in this recipe I decreased the fat so much, I didn't use Ghee I used olive oil instead and not much, to make it healthier without causing problems from high fat. I love this recipe so much and I hope you love it too.
Recipe tips:
1- I used small lamb meat (not older than 6 months) and it's really yummy with Kabsa, but you may not like it if the lamb is older than a year, so if you don't have it available you can use small beef meat or even chicken, but in this case you have to reduce the cardamom and lemon in meat other than lamb.
2- I used "Kabsa spices" so if it's not available to you just mix the following: one measure of each (ground black pepper - curry - turmeric - ground cardamom) and half measure of each (ginger - cumin - coriander).
3- You can add nuts as you want but I only used raisins here (my husband hates nuts in rice :( ).
Prep. time: 20 min. + the time you marinate the meat (up to 24 hours).
Cooking time: about 90 min. depending on the meat you use.
Serves: 5 people.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How to Extract SSF4 Data From an Xbox 360 ISO
For people who want to get into using files from Super Street Fighter 4 on Xbox 360 with their PC version of vanilla Street Fighter 4, you have to go through a number of steps that have never been appropriately documented, so here goes:
1. Collecting the right tools for the job
First off, you need a copy of SSF4 in ISO format. I don't want to know how you get it, but I recommend purchasing it and then ripping it to your PC using the 'hot swap' method.
Next, we need a copy of isoextract, which extacts the data from the 360 disc image. You can download it here or here.
We also need QuickBMS, a script-based file extractor written by Luigi Auriemma, as well as a script to use with it. You can get QuickBMS here and the extraction script here or here.
2. Extracting the ISO
Open up isoextract and you should see this screen:
Using the buttons on the upper-right, click on 'choose ISO-folder' and navigate to the directory where your SSF4 ISO is stored. Next, click on 'choose destination' and select a directory where you want your extracted files to reside.
Then, just click the big button marked 'go' down in the bottom right.
Now, once it's all finished, if you navigate to your extraction directory, you'll find it has created a directory structure from the disc. Go to archive > battle and you should see a file named 'battle.eaf.' This guy has all of the goodies, so we gotta get them out using QuickBMS.
3. Extracting the files
Open QuickBMS and it should pop up a console window like this:
It should also automatically pop up an explorer window, which you can use to navigate to the QuickBMS script we got back in Step 1.
Next, it will pop up another explorer window, which we will use to navigate to our battle.eaf file.
Then, it will pop up a final explorer window, which we will use to select our output directory. I just chose that same 'battle' directory.
Now, back in the console window, you should see a whole bunch of output stream by, listing the files that are being extracted.
That's it. You're done. You should have a complete file structure available now, with access to all of the proper files, including character and stage data. Most of this can be opened with the latest version of piecemontee's Asset Explorer, using the new support for big-endian files.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
SF4 Beginners Guide to Material Attribute Swapping
Credit for this tutorial goes to alekqz, I just cleaned it up a bit.
This tutorial will show you how to give a body part a reflective, metallic look, but a similar process can be used to grab other materials, such as Akuma's glowing eyes.
1. First, open a *.cos.emz file using piecemontee's Asset Explorer and look for the body part you wish to modify, in this case, Zangief's upper body:
Take note of the name used to reference the body part, in this case, 'body.'
2. Next, open a decompressed *.col.emz file in a hex editor (I use the free Frhed, but any hex editor will work) and search for that body part name:
Below the name, you will find the material type attribute, usually something like SpcBumpBrush with some more letters and stuff after it, like this:
3. Now, we want to overwrite that material type with 'SpcEnv_W.' In hex, we want to paste in (53 70 63 45 6E 76 5F 57 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 00 00 00).
As with all hex-editing in SF4, it's very important that you overwrite because the resulting files must be *exactly* the same size as the original or the game will crash. It should look like this when we're finished:
4. Next, we need to scroll down to the bottom of that section, just before the next section starts, and look for BrushA, BrushB and BrushC, like this:
We want to replaces those Brush entries with ReflectCoeff (52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 43 6F 65 66 66), ReflectFresnelBias (52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 46 72 65 73 6E 65 6C 42 69 61 73) and ReflectFresnelCoeff (3C 52 65 66 6C 65 63 74 46 72 65 73 6E 65 6C 43 6F 65 66 66), respectively (forgive the typo in the pictures; it's Fresnel, not Fesnel):
5. Finally, in the case of metal effects, we have to choose how reflective we want to make the material (also known as 'specularity'). This is controlled by modifying the spaces after the Reflect* entries. For a chrome-type effect, change the last 2 numbers in each section to @ symbols (40 40), like this:
For an enamel-type effect, the last 2 numbers after ReflectCoeff and ReflectFresnelCoeff need to be a Euro symbol and a question mark, like this (the last 2 after ReflectFresnelBias should be blank--or 00 00 in hex):
For a polished effect, the last 4 numbers of the sections need to be changed to the hex code of (CD CC CC 3D), (CD CC CC 3D) and (66 66 66 3F), respectively, like this:
Save your file and you're done!
These are the only 3 metal effects known so far, but there may be more, so be adventurous! Experiment!
Update 10/18/2010: sensibeat tracked down 3 more metal effects:
metal_gold (less reflective):
ReflectCoeff ÍÌL= (CD CC 4C 3D)
ReflectFresnelBias .×#< (0A D7 23 3C)
ReflectFresnelCoeff ÍÌÌ= (CD CC CC 3D)
ReflectCoeff ÍÌL= (CD CC 4C 3D)
ReflectFresnelBias .×#< (0A D7 23 3C)
ReflectFresnelCoeff ÍÌÌ= (CD CC CC 3D)
metal_silver (more reflective):
ReflectCoeff €? (80 3F)
ReflectFresnelBias ÍÌÌ= (CD CC CC 3D)
ReflectFresnelCoeff €@ (80 40)
ReflectCoeff €? (80 3F)
ReflectFresnelBias ÍÌÌ= (CD CC CC 3D)
ReflectFresnelCoeff €@ (80 40)
crystal (highly reflective, mirror-like):
ReflectCoeff ÍÌÌ> (CD CC CC 3E)
ReflectFresnelBias 333? (33 33 33 3F)
ReflectFresnelCoeff ? (3F)
ReflectCoeff ÍÌÌ> (CD CC CC 3E)
ReflectFresnelBias 333? (33 33 33 3F)
ReflectFresnelCoeff ? (3F)
One word of caution: you'll want to modify the DDS textures to look like whatever material you're trying to mimic but don't make it too dark, as the reflection can make it hard to see.
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