Thursday, February 28, 2013

Oatmeal Kofta Panee ألذ كفتة بانيه بالشوفان

Oatmeal Kofta Panee ألذ كفتة بانيه بالشوفان

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الكفتة البانيه هي عبارة عن كفتة مقلية بالبيض والبقسماط أو الدقيق وتقدم كطبق جانبي أو ساندويتشات، قمت بتحضيرها بالشوفان بدلاً من البقسماط وكانت لذيذة و
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jalapeno Parmesan Omelette أومليت الهلابينو وجبن البارميزان

Jalapeno Parmesan Omelette أومليت الهلابينو وجبن البارميزان

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الهلابينو هو أحد أنواع الفلفل الحار المشهور بالمطبخ المكسيكي، ووصفة اليوم هي لمحبي الأكلات الحارة جداً، أومليت الهلابينو بجبن البارميزان وصفة سريعة لا تأخذ إلا دقائق معدودة وهي لذيذة ومغذية.

نصيحة الوصفة:
1- لتقطيع الفلفل الحار يفضل وضع زيت على الأصابع قبلها لعدم التأثر بحرارته.
2- يفضل تقطيع الفلفل قبل وضعه في الوصفة مباشرة لنستفيد بفيتامين سي الموجود به والذي يتبخر أو يزول بتركه في الهواء.

الوصفة تكفــي: شخصين
وقت التحضير: 2 دقائق

وقت الطهــــي: 5 دقائق
Jalapeno is a medium sized hot chili pepper, very popular in Mexican cuisine, today's recipe is for people who love hot food, I made Jalapeno Omelette with Parmesan cheese is very simple, quick recipe yet delicious and nutritious.

Recipe tips:
1- Rub your fingers with oil before chopping hot pepper.
2- It's better to chop jalapeno right before using to keep vitamin C.

Serves: 2 people
Prep. Time: 2 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes

Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Thin Crust Pizza Margherita بيتزا مارجريتا رقيقة

Thin Crust Pizza Margherita بيتزا مارجريتا رقيقة

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أحب البيتزا جداً ويمكن أن آكلها يومياً دون أي ملل، قمت بالكتابة عن البيتزا مسبقاً وكيفية عمل عجينة بيتزا ممتازة، لذا يمكنكم قراءة التفاصيل لتعرفوا أفضل النصائح لعمل عجينة البيتزا، ولا تنسوا أهم نصيحة، كلما عجنتم أكثر كلما حصلتم على طعم أفضل وألذ. سوف أريكم الخطوات الآن :)

الوصفة تكفــي: شخصين كوجبة تسلية
وقت التحضير: ساعة (تخمير العجين)

وقت الخـــــبز: 7 دقائق
I love pizza! I can eat it everyday without getting bored! I posted before about pizza and how to make perfect pizza dough, so you can check it out for tips and tricks while making pizza, and don't forget the most important tip, the more you knead, the better flavor yo get. I'm not so good at telling stories so I will just show you the steps now ;)
Serves: 2 people as snack
Prep. Time: 1 hour (proofing)
Cooking Time: 7 minutes approx.
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Monday, February 25, 2013

Chicken Noodle Soup from Scratch شوربة النودلز بالدجاج والخضروات

Chicken Noodle Soup from Scratch شوربة النودلز بالدجاج والخضروات

Scroll down for English post
أعذروني لتأخري في وضع المزيد من الوصفات فهذه الأيام أعاني من الأنفلوانزا، لذا أحببت أن أشارككم بطبقي المفضل في هذه الحالة وأتمنى من الله أن يشفي كل مريض. شوربة أو حساء نودلز بالدجاج والخضروات هي وصفة اليوم، هذا الطبق يتم تحضيره باستخدام أي
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to Swap Stages in SSF4AE

With a lot of new stages being backported from SFxT and some brand new stages from mugenlove100, Alff suggested I write a tutorial on swapping around stages. It's a very simple process but it requires a hex editor, which makes some people uncomfortable. I use the free and open-source Frhed, which is somewhat limited in functionality but is thankfully quite simple to use. As a general note, stage mods are often built from the Training Stage (abbreviated as TRN), but I'll be using one that started from the Brazilian Jungle stage, or BRA. For reference, here's a key that shows which abbreviations go with which stages:
Key image courtesy of Jaldaboath :)
So, to get started, we'll first want to make backups of the stage we're going to replace. Personally, I hate the Crumbling Laboratory stage, so I copy those files to a safe place. Then, take your stage mod files, in this case BRA.emz and BRA.tex.emz, and open them each in your hex editor, like this:
Next, use the find-and-replace function (the standard shortcut for this is ctrl+H; you'll have to do it in each of the modded stage files) to replace each instance of BRA (or TRN if the mod is based on the Training Stage) with the 3-letter prefix of whichever stage you wish to replace, in this case LBX:
Click the button to replace all following occurrences and it should pop up a message telling you how many instances were replaced (it's generally a much larger number for the ***.emz files than for the ***.tex.emz files, FYI).

Once that's done, just save it and close, then rename the modded stage to match the 3-letter prefix you just swapped in. In this case, I change BRA.tex.emz > LBX.tex.emz and BRA.emz > LBX.emz.

Now you just copy those modded stage files into your [install dir]\resource\battle\stage directory and overwrite what's already there. Just make sure you backed up those original files first, in case you change your mind later.

UPDATE: If you would rather not overwrite any of the files, there is a way to supersede the original stages in a non-destructive way. Instead of adding your modded files to the above directory, instead go to [install dir]\patch 1a\battle and create a new directory named 'stage'. Put your modded files in there and the game should use them instead of the originals. (thanks to Nemesys_Syndrome for the tip)

That's it. You're done. Now, go try it out and make sure it works :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Belila: Egyptian Wheat & Milk البليلة: قمح بحليب

Belila: Egyptian Wheat & Milk البليلة: قمح بحليب

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البليلة كما يطلق عليها بمصر أو القمح بالحليب هو إفطار لذيذ وصحي لكل العائلة، كانت والدتي تحضره لنا في الصغر خاصة في أيام الشتاء قبل الذهاب إلى المدرسة حتى نحصل على الطاقة المطلوبة للتركيز في دروسنا :) الوصفة الأساسية هي قمح مطبوخ ويؤكل  دافئ بإضافة الحليب والسكر أو العسل الأبيض، ويمكنكم إضافة ما تشاءون لهذه الوصفة، أنا أضيف إليها قشدة الحليب الطازجة وأحيانا أضيف الحليب البودرة مع الحليب السائل (أحب طعمه كثيراً) ويمكن إضافة المكسرات أو القلوبات وجوز الهند والبعض يضيف لها القرفة أو حب الهيل (الحبهان) أو المنكهات المفضلة.

الوصفة تكفــي: 6 أشخاص تقريباً
وقت التحضير: 3 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: 30 دقيقة
Belila as called in Egypt is Wheat with milk, an Egyptian healthy breakfast for the whole family kids and adults; my mother used to make it for us in my childhood specially in winter before we go to school so we get the required energy concentrate. The basic recipe is cooked wheat with added milk and sugar or honey, you can add whatever you like, I serve it with cream sometimes powdered milk with liquid milk (I just love powdered milk taste with wheat), you can add raisins, shredded coconut, toasted nuts, some add cinnamon, cardamom or any preferred flavoring.

Serves: 6 people approx.
Prep. Time: 3 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Monday, February 18, 2013

xsession-errors Log Filling Hard Drive Ubuntu

Last night, all of a sudden, I started getting poor performance out of my HTPC running Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal, followed by a complaint that my /home partition was running low on space and only had ~350 MB of free space. A minute or so later, I got another warning that only ~35 MB were free! :O

I clicked the hard drive disk usage analyzation utility to figure out what was up, but it showed my largest directory as weighing-in at just ~29 GB.

Turns out the culprit was a gigantic, hidden file called .xsession-errors, which had ballooned to 170 GB over the course of a couple of hours, apparently. You can check if this is your problem by typing this into a terminal:
ls -a -s | grep xsession
This file is archived at every reboot, with the previous version renamed to .xsession-errors.old and a new log created in its place. If this file is the source of your troubles, you'll want to see what's been spamming your system with errors, but, obviously, such a huge file isn't going to open gracefully in a text editor. However, we can use the 'tail' command to check out the last few lines, like this:
tail -10 .xession-errors
That should give you an idea of what's causing your problems. Once you've had a good look, go ahead and delete the file and then reboot your system to free up the space:
rm .xession-errors* ; sudo reboot now
As soon as your system comes back up, look for the error log again using the first command (and then a third time to see if the size changed in between commands) and then open it in a text editor to see what's up:
gedit .xsession-errors
Scroll down to the bottom and see if you spot any errors repeating. In my case, there was a constant stream of errors from zeitgeist-daemon not being able to find file:///whatever/file.path. Zeitgeist is a program that keeps track of pretty much everything you do on your machine and uses that data to populate 'recent files' lists and so on. It also adds overhead to your system and occasionally shits the bed by making giant error logs ;)

If you don't mind getting rid of the Unity desktop, you can just flat-out remove it and its associated packages like this:
sudo dpkg -r zeitgeist*
However, if this is too invasive for you, you can use the following command to remove the read and write attributes from the zeitgeist-daemon database:
chmod -rw ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite
You can test the effect out by typing:
zeitgeist-daemon --replace
It should error out with a complaint about not being able to access the database, which is exactly what we want. This essentially cripples the daemon without risking breaking any other packages, present or future.

Go about your normal tasks and make sure everything still works like it should (anything that used zeitgeist will obviously be broken, but I mean everything that you normally depend on). If all is well, you're finished. Pat yourself on the back.

UPDATE: The problem popped up again, even with zeitgeist removed, so I tailed the error log again and saw this line repeated over and over:
Authentication deferred - ignoring client message
This error appears to be a result of the vino server (Ubuntu's built-in VNC server) getting hammered with bruce-force login attempts. It appears that the server allows a few bad attempts and then ignores the rest, which is good. The attempts still get logged, though, so I thought it best just to remove vino altogether, since I never use it anyway:
sudo apt-get remove vino

Roqaaq: Egyptain Beef Pastry Bake صينية الرقاق باللحم

Roqaaq: Egyptain Beef Pastry Bake صينية الرقاق باللحمة المفرومة

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الرقاق كلمة تأتي من رقائق حيث إنها عبارة عن خبز رقيق جداً لا يتعدى سمكه الملليمتر الواحد، صينية الرقاق هي أكلة مصرية شهيرة خاصة في المناسبات والعزائم، عبارة عن رقائق مصفوفة فوق بعضها بعد تغميسها بأي نوع من المرق ثم يوضع بينها طبقة من العصاج أو اللحم المفروم. في رأيي أن أفضل طعم للرقاق يكون باستخدام مرق أر شوربة البط فهي تعطيه طعم مميز جداً ولذيذ. صينية الرقاق رغم اعتقاد البعض أنها وصفة صعبة إلا أنها تعتبر من أسهل وصفات العزائم مثلها مثل الدجاج المحشو بالفرن، تابعوا معي الوصفة اللذيذة :)

الوصفة تكفــي: 4 إلى 5 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: 15 دقيقة
وقت الخبـــــز: 20 إلى 30 دقيقة
Roqaaq means thin layers, it's really crispy thin bread not thicker than 1 mm, Baked beef Roqaq is a popular dish in Egypt especially in occasions or having friends or family for dinner, it's layers of thin crispy bread dipped in any kind of broth then stuffed with a layer of beef filling then baked. In my opinion the best broth to use in this recipe is duck broth, it gives a unique delicious flavor. Contrary to what some people think this dish is so easy and quick to prepare for occasions just like my recipe for roasted stuffed chicken, let's skip to the recipe.
Serves: 4 to 5 people
Prep. Time: 15 min.
Baking Time: 20 to 30 min.
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Chicken Saudi Kabsa طريقة كبسة الدجاج بالصور

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الكبسة من الأكلات السعودية الشهيرة واللذيذة، قمت من قبل بتقديم كبسة ريش الضأن  واليوم أقدم لكم كبسة الدجاج اللذيذة وأتمنى أن تعجبكم.
نصيحة الوصفة:
1- ليمتص الدجاج طعم التوابل بشكل أفضل يقطع إلى 8 قطع ويفضل استخدام نفس مقادير التوابل أو أكثر وأن يبقى الدجاج مدة لا تقل عن ساعة إلى ساعة ونصف على النار.
2- توابل الكبسة التي استخدمتها في الوصفة ملعقة شاي من (بودرة الكاري - كركم - زنجبيل - فلفل أسود) ونصف ملعقة شاي من كل من (القرنفل أو المسمار المطحون - الهيل او الحبهان المطحون - كزبرة - كمون)

الوصفة تكفــي: 2 إلى 3 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: 10 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: ساعة ونصف تقريباً
Kabsa is the most popular and delicious main dish in Saudi Arabia, I made it before with lamb ribs >> Lamb Ribs Kabsa and today I'm going to show you how to make it with chicken hope you like it :)

Recipe Tip:
1- For the chicken to gain all the flavors it's best cut in 8 pieces  use same or more measurements of spice, and cook not less than 1 to 1 and half hour.
2- The kabsa spice mix I used is one tsp of each (Curry powder - turmeric - ginger - black pepper), 1/2 tsp of each (ground cloves - ground cardamom - coriander - cumin).

Serves: 2 to 3 people
Prep. Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 90 minutes approx.
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Eggless 1 minute Molten Lava Cake for Two مولتن كيك بدون بيض في دقيقة واحدة

Eggless 1 minute Molten Lava Cake for Two مولتن كيك بدون بيض في دقيقة واحدة

Scroll down for English post
إنها السنة الثالثة لمدونتي، سوف أحتفل معكم بأسرع كيك على الإطلاق وأشارككم الوصفة :). هي ليست فقط مولتن كيك بدون بيض ولكنها أيضاً كيك في دقيقة واحدة لفردين بالإضافة إلى إصدارتي الخاصة مولتن كيك بشوكولاتة بالحليب، قمت بخبزها بالميكروويف وكانت في غاية اللذة. قمت بابتكار هذه الوصفة حيث أردت أن أحضّر حلو بالشوكولاتة على أن يكون سريع جداً خاصة بوجود طفلتي الشقية، كما أنني لم أرد أن أضيف البيض حتى أستطيع أن أتذوق الخليط أثناء ابتكاره وبما أن وقت الخبز قليل جداً فقمت بعمل عينات بالميكروويف إلى أن حصلت على أفضل طعم وها هي الوصفة بين أيديكم لتستمتعوا بمذاقها بقدر ما استمتعت أنا :)

الوصفة تكفــي: شخصين
وقت التحضير: دقيقتين
وقت الخبـــــز: دقيقة
It's my blog 3d anniversary today, I'm going to celebrate it with the fastest cake ever and share it with you ;). It's not only eggless molten lava cake, it's also one minute cake for two plus my special edition "milk chocolate molten lava cake", I baked it in the microwave and it came out really delicious. I came up with this recipe as I wanted something chocolaty and super quick as my little baby girl was being naughty, also I didn't want to add eggs as I wanted to be able to taste the batter safely while making it up and since it is super fast cake I made some samples in the microwave to get to the best taste I wanted and here it is with you now to enjoy it as much as I did :)

Serves: 2 people
Prep. Time: 2 min.
Baking Time: 1 min.
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Vegetable Baked Sea Bass "Samak Singary" طريقة سمك سنجاري بالفرن

Scroll down for English post
في الحقيقة لا أعلم تحديداً من أين أتى هذا الإسم "سنجاري" ولكنه طبق شهير بمصر، إنه طبق صحي مليء بالمذاق الرائع، ولا يأخذ أكثر من 30 دقيقة لتحضيره، يمكن عمل السمك السنجاري باستخدام أي نوع من الأسماك ويفضل (القاروص "القاروس"، أو الهامور أو البوري) والذي يكون مفتوح من الظهر ثم يوضع بشكل مسطح وفوقه التوابل والثوم وبصل وفلفل رومي وجزر وطماطم وشبت مفروم ثم يوضع بالفرن؛ تختلف المكونات من شخص لآخر ولكن يبقى هذا الطبق من أطباق البحريات اللذيذة جداً.

الوصفة تكفــي: 4 أشخاص
وقت التحضير: 10 دقائق
وقت الطهــــي: 15 إلى 20 دقيقة
Well I don't really know where did that name "Singary" came from but it's a popular dish in Egypt, it's healthy, full of flavors, and only takes less than 30 minutes to be ready, It could be made with any kind of fish better (Bass, Grouper, or Striped Mullet) that's opened from the back then set flat and topped with spice, garlic, onions, carrots, tomatoes, and dill then baked; the ingredients vary from one another but it's still a delicious sea food :) 

Recipe Serves: 4 people
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Baking Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Click here for the recipe اضغط هنا للوصفة »

Designing a Large-scale Phosphor Filter/Shader

Update (5/9/2013): I ported my shader to the Cg shader language and made some improvements in the process (click here to download). It now looks decent at sane, non-4k scale factors and has some easily-modified variables to allow users to make their own adjustments more easily. See the bottom of the post for new screenshots.

Update (3/29/2013): Some other versions of the shader and more screenies at the bottom of the post.
Update (3/18/2013): I think the shader is pretty much done! You can download it here. Skip to the bottom of the post for images and some details.

With 4k TVs on the horizon and high-dpi computer monitors already here, I figured it was time to start thinking about using these screens to better recreate the look of CRT TVs.

cgwg's CRT shader is already fantastic, but it was designed with the assumption of relatively low resolution (i.e., the current HD/1080p paradigm at the upper end and 720p screens at the lower end, resulting in ~3-4x scale factors) and single-pass shader implementations, and it makes certain concessions with those limitations in mind.

At 10x scale (2240 vertical pixels for NTSC) and assuming multipass support, we can forego some of those concessions, though. For example, you can draw the shadow mask right on the screen at 1 pixel width and each phosphor lens at 3 pixels tall by 9 pixels wide, which gives you a pattern like this (blurriness comes from the bilinear upscaling; click for normal size):
In this figure, the phosphors have a horizontal orientation rather than the vertical orientation seen in all of the phosphor images I've found online (like this one). I tried both ways and the vertical orientation didn't look right to me, insofar as it had vertical scanlines rather than horizontal ones. I'll show results both ways later on and you can judge for yourself.

Update (3/18/2013): Turns out the vertical orientation is correct. I got a macro lens and took some pictures of a CRT up close (the letter 'e' followed by a heart icon from Zelda OoT):

I still think it looks better horizontally at small scales (i.e., 1080p and lower) but vertically at larger scales. Anyway, back to the original post.

With that LUT tiled up to cover the entire SNES image (you can download it here), we're ready to add in our image, scaled to 10x using nearest-neighbor, which looks like this (click thumbnails for full resolution):
Next, we need to invert the colors in the image, which looks like this:
We then need to subtract these pixel color values from our LUT matrix, which results in this:
We subtract because the phosphor LUT represents a full 100% brightness in all phosphors, which is blended by our eyes into flat white. In our image, the white pixels are inverted to black, which subtracts nothing from our LUT and leaves those parts white, while magenta blanks out the red and blue pixels, leaving just green, and so on. Likewise, brighter pixels are inverted to dim, and they subtract less brightness from our LUT phosphors, leaving them bright. At this point, we have our basic phosphor coloration and luminance values represented.

Next, we'll make a new pass using the result of the previous pass as input (or in Photoshop, create a new layer), to which we'll apply a gaussian blur that will approximate the luminance-based color bleed into neighboring phosphors (no picture here, since it looks the same, just blurry; not very exciting). According to cgwg's comments in his existing CRT shader, this blur portion may be better suited to a 2-part process of blurring, once horizontally and once vertically, but I just did one all-over blur. You can use a blur intensity of 3 pixels to keep some sharpness or increase the value to 5 pixels to get a more bloomy, halated look. I'll show examples of both in a bit.

Obviously, this is image is still waaaay too dark, so we'll also need to crank up the brightness of our blurred layer to around 150% and combine it with the underlying raw image using the 'screen' method, which lightens everything a bit more. The math for a screen combine is f(a , b) = 1- (1 - a)(1 - b), where 'a' is the base layer value and 'b' is the blend value.

That gives us this result:
At this point, it looks pretty good and we could probably call it quits, but the darkening from the shadow mask is still monkeying with our perceived colors a bit, so I played around with the levels to try and get something that looked closer to the original image. I found that moving the black point to around 23 and the white point to around 179 while keeping the gray point at 1.0 gives a good, bright result:
This adjustment also ensures that blacks are actually black and not brown and whites are white instead of gray. Here's a comparison shot:
While we're looking at this Super Metroid shot anyway, lets zoom in and take a better look at the luminance-based glow created by our blur:
You can see where the brighter pixels bleed into the adjacent phosphors, particularly on the glowing suit highlights.

Using a 5 px gaussian blur bleeds the colors even more but ends up making the entire picture more hazy (3 px blur followed by 5 px blur):

You can see from the thumbnails that the 5 px picture looks nice from a distance, while the 3 px looks a lot better up close. So, you could make a valid argument for either one depending on your preferences and intended viewing distance.

The above process could work alright at a 5x scale, using a bilinear reduction on the LUT and a 1.5 px blur, and not look too bad:
But dropping it to 4x starts to really cause some problems with the colors, giving the appearance of too much gamma: 
At these scales and lower, cgwg's CRT shader looks much, much better, due to his compensation for LCD subpixel aliasing (among other things, such as gamma interpolation, screen curvature, etc.).

The last thing I want to cover is the phosphor orientation. I oriented my LUT with red at the bottom and blue at the top because doing it the opposite way looks weird up close (notice how the red pixels on the shell create a sort of halo instead of having the intended cartoony black outline, as compared with the pictures above):
Likewise, using vertical phosphors--as shown in all of the phosphor images I could find online--looks like crap close up *and* far off (eschew the cutoff edge; click to embiggen):

At the moment, I've just been playing around with Photoshop, but I hope to do some work on a legit shader that performs this process in real time. Unfortunately, I suck ass at writing GLSL, so it may never get anywhere. If anyone else would like to take a stab at it, I'm happy to provide any information I have.

Update: For the Photoshop steps, Romain Dura has helpfully converted the math functions to GLSL, and the gaussian blur steps from cgwg's halated CRT shader can drop right in.

Update 2: I cobbled together some code that works at least partially and I'm pleased with the outcome so far. I don't have a high dpi screen, so I'm stuck working at 4x, but I think the code should work fine with a larger resolution.

Currently, I can get it to the point where it has the shadow mask and phosphor lenses, as well as gaussian blur (though the blur is happening underneath the phosphors, which isn't exactly what I wanted):
This is obviously much too dark, but when I tried to lighten it up, I couldn't get things looking quite right. It would either blast out the colors underneath or make the phosphors visible on a flat black screen, which is unacceptable. When I tried adding a bloom pass, the phosphor bleed looked good (if a bit exaggerated) and the brightness was pretty close but the colors got totally wrecked >.<
Oh well... I'll keep at it. If anyone wants to play around with the code I've got so far and/or play around with my phosphor LUT, you can get it here.

Update 3: As cgwg pointed out in the comments, mapping the phosphors 1:1 on the SNES pixels, like I did above, isn't really how TVs worked. They were designed to receive a 480i signal (i.e., 2 sets of 240 lines of resolution, alternating which lines get displayed for an effective 30 fps), as per the NTSC broadcast spec, which Nintendo and others tweaked to show just 240(ish) lines, non-alternating, at 60 fps. This format goes by many names, including non-interlaced mode, 240p (not a real spec, btw) and "double-strike."

I did some more mockups using the same procedure as above, but using a phosphor array that's ~480 pixels tall (I actually went with 448; i.e., double the SNES res) and started with an image that should match the "double-strike" idea at 10x, namely, a 20x image with half of the pixels blanked out, like this (note, it looks exactly like if you added a 100% black scanline filter; if this is somehow incorrect, I'd love to hear about it in the comments):
Since the vertical resolution doubled, I also doubled the pixel radius of the gaussian blur, up to 6 px and, instead of adjusting the levels, I increased the brightness by 300% and the contrast by 25%, which resulted in this (crap: blogspot won't display that large of a file and insists on shrinking it and converting to jpg; here's a link to download the full-res if anyone wants it). And here it is shrunken bilinearly back down to 10x: 
 It still looks pretty nice. And here's a detail shot:
Interestingly, at this scale, the vertically oriented phosphors look a lot better and produce an image that's much less scanliney, so perhaps it is the better option:

Here's a link to download that vertically oriented shadow mask / phosphor LUT, if anyone's interested in playing around with it.

UPDATE (3/18/2013): After digging around in an old thread on byuu's forum, I came across a post from Themaister where he explained how to go about using and accessing various framebuffers in shaders, which allowed me to finish this one up, for the most part (at least to the point where I don't have to keep poking away at it). It's a real beast of a shader and doesn't run fullspeed on the Intel HD4000 I've been testing with, but it looks pretty good in slow motion :P

You can download the shader and a couple of LUTs here. (same as the link at the top of the post)

I included 240p and 480p LUTs with both horizontal and vertical phosphor orientations. The 240phoriz LUT will give you essentially the image I was going for at the start of this post:
Notice, these shots look a bit dark, due to the way the LUT gets shrunken on my 1080p/4x scale screen. In the shader, there's a line you can uncomment when you're on a low-resolution screen like this to make the colors a bit brighter, which gives you something like this:
For anyone on a larger screen (or if you'd like to play around with the higher-resolution LUTs), I also included 480p variants, the vertical version of which looks like this:
Again, these shots would be brighter with the low-res mode enabled.

Last, just for fun, I made some screenshots of Super Metroid using the low-res option with the 240phoriz LUT, just like the Photoshop renders I made above, and here's how it looks:
Not bad! :D

One thing that still needs work is that the gaussian blur is only happening vertically, I think, but I'm not really sure why. I'm assuming I didn't put the horizontal pass into the framebuffer properly, so I'll keep fiddling with that. Also, certain emulation cores (such as snes9x-next) don't really play nicely with it, presumably due to horizontal resolution issues. Genesis Plus GX seems to work fine, at least:
Update (3/29/2013): I made a couple of small changes to the shader and a few different variations. I added in a new variable called 'brightness' (toward the end of the file) that you can raise/lower to increase/decrease the brightness of the image if it's too dark (within a range). Here's a pastebin of the updated default shader (shown with 240pvert LUT):
And here's one with scanlines added (sry, no screenshot; I'll try to add one soon):

GPDP made some new LUTs, too, which is awesome. The first one mimics an aperture grill (click to download the LUT; shown here with scanlines added):
This one will look best at 9x scale instead of 10x.

The second LUT is actually pretty good at smaller scales, such as 4x, and takes the same idea as cgwg's CRT shader in that it tints alternating pixels green or magenta (click to download the LUT;
 I also modified cgwg's CRT shader to use the phosphor LUTs instead of the built-in pink/green pixel tint (note: screen transformation doesn't work right in this version) . It looks like this (click to download; shown with 240phoriz LUT):
Just as a warning: there's no reason to use this one instead of the regular CRT shader at less-than-huge scales. It looks significantly worse than the normal version. TBH, that's true for all of the shaders in this post...

And here's one with aliaspider's GTU shader replacing the gaussian passes (click to download; shown with 480pvert LUT):

Update (5/9/2013): Here's how the updated Cg port looks. I now consider this the best version and recommend users upgrade to it if they've been using the older GLSL version:

These shots were all taken at 4x, which would never have been possible with the GLSL version (without it looking like total garbage). It also handles pseudo-hires transparency decently well (see: Kirby shot), though you'll notice there's quite a bit of color mangling still...

You can download this shader here.

Cari Farmasi

Farmasi Di Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor Selangor / KL Area NO SHOPS NAMES ...